sâmbătă, 30 martie 2013

Vitamin K in VEGAN foods

Vitamin K in VEGAN foods

If we really need vitamin K2 and it's only available in animal foods and supplements, how do populations who don't have access to lots of animal foods or supplements stay healthy? How did our ancestors survive before they even knew about it, when calories were much more difficult to come by than they are now? How is it that some of us on this board have not eaten animal products for years, don't take a supplement, and are feeling great?

My opinion is that K2 is just one more way for the supplementarians to get their mitts on your moolah. It's health terrorism. If they can terrorize us with fears about "crucial" nutrients we can't get from our food, they can frighten us into giving them our money. Don't be seduced, just eat your veggies and fruit.

Nature's Plus Source Of Life Garden Vitamin K2 - 60 Vegetarian Capsules http://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-114168-natures-plus-source-of-life-garden-vitamin-k2-60-vegetarian-capsules

What is vitamin K?
Vitamin K is not a single chemical substance but rather a family of chemically related substances that go by the general name of "vitamin K." Over the past 20 years, no vitamin family has undergone a greater change in terms of our scientific understanding of its chemistry and function. In the past, members of the vitamin K family have traditionally been referred to as vitamin K1, vitamin K2, and vitamin K3. This terminology is largely being replaced by a different set of terms to describe what has now been determined to be a more complicated set of vitamin K compounds.
All types of vitamin K fall into a large chemical category of substances called naphthoquinones. Within this naphthoquinone category, there are two basic types of vitamin K. The first type, called phylloquinones, is made by plants. The second basic type, called menaquinones, is made by bacteria. (The only exception to this rule involves a special group of bacteria, called cyanobacteria, which make phylloquinones instead of menaquinones.) Contrary to some previous scientific assumptions, we get most of our dietary vitamin K in the form of phylloquinones from plant foods. In fact, up to 90% of our dietary vitamin K comes in this form, and within that 90%, over half comes from vegetables— especially green leafy vegetables. Many different types of bacteria in our intestines can make vitamin K in the form of menaquinones. While this synthesis of vitamin K in our digestive tract can contribute to our vitamin K requirements, this contribution is less than previously thought.
vitamin K
What can high-vitamin K foods do for you?
  • Allow your blood to clot normally
  • Help protect your bones from fracture
  • Help prevent postmenopausal bone loss
  • Help prevent calcification of your arteries
  • Provide possible protection against liver and prostate cancer
What events can indicate a need for more high-vitamin K foods?
  • Excessive bleeding, including heavy menstrual bleeding, gum bleeding, bleeding within the digestive tract, or nosebleeding
  • Easy bruising
  • Problems with calcification of the blood vessels or heart valves
  • Problems with bone fracture or bone weakening
Excellent sources of vitamin K include parsley, kale, spinach, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, green beans, asparagus, broccoli, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, collard greens, thyme, romaine lettuce, sage, oregano, cabbage, celery, sea vegetables, cucumber, leeks, cauliflower, tomatoes, and blueberries.

 Within this general category of fermented foods and vitamin K, a very special place must be given to fermented soy foods. Bacillus subtilis is not the most famous micro-organism used in fermentation of soybeans. (That distinction goes to the koji mold, Aspergillus oryzae, that is used in fermentation of many soy pastes, as well as soy miso and soy sauce. But in the context of vitamin K benefits, Bacillus bacteria may be the most important micro-organisms used in soybean fermentation based on their ability to create a K2 form of the vitamin called menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Studies have shown that higher levels of MK-7 in the blood correspond to lower risk of hip fracture in older Japanese women, and that higher MK-7 levels also correspond to increased intake of soy foods fermented with Bacillus bacteria.
One fascinating aspect of Bacillus-fermented soy foods is the potential ability of these bacteria to stay alive in our lower intestine after these foods are consumed and continue providing us with vitamin K2 (in the form of MK-7). We've seen one study in which 1.6-20 million Bacillus bacteria (per gram of feces) were found to remain alive up to 6 days following consumption of natto.


Vitamin D in Vegan foods

Vitamin D in Vegan foods  




Iron in Vegan Foods

Iron in Vegan Foods

vineri, 29 martie 2013

Protein in VEGAN foods

Protein in VEGAN foods

Super Blue Green Algae  is the only superfood that contains all 21 amino acids!
Klamath Blue Green™ Algae is the most nutrient dense food on the planet, containing glyco-proteins, vitamins, minerals, simple carbohydrates, lipids and biologically active enzymes.

Also known as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, blue-green algae contains no heavy metals or harmful bacteria, and supplies the most complete range of amino acids, vitamins and minerals available in any single food. It is a virtual powerhouse of nutrition.

Nutritional facts about Blue Green Algae, the world's PERFECT FOOD
Nutritional Facts
Each Serving Size provides:
Serving Size: 2 Vegetarian CapsulesServings per Container: 65*Daily value not established.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 4

Protein 700 Milligrams

Want Protein? Eat Your Veggies


How Do You Get Enough Protein?

Rich Roll, a two-time top finisher at the Ultraman World Championships, who in 2010 was the first person (along with colleague Jason Lester) to complete EPIC5 – 5 ironman-distance triathlons on 5 Hawaiian Islands in under a week, shares with readers where an athlete of his caliber gets enough protein to maximize health and fitness. Please visit My top 7 Sources of Plant-Based Protein  My Top 7 Sources of Plant-Based Protein

Hemp Seeds: The Most Nutritionally Complete Food Source In The World!

How to Get Vegan Protein & B12, Give Up Caffeine, Achieve World Peace, And Win Free Food!

How do vegans get their CALCIUM, IRON, PROTEIN, AMINO ACIDS, PROBIOTICS plus A, B12 & D vitamins?     

Protein MYTH debunked


Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in vegan foods

Omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in vegan foods
• Rich in Omega 3, 6, and 9 Fatty Acids
• Vegetarian source DHA / No Fish
• Supports Heart Health*
• Supports Cognitive Function*
• Supports Eye Health*
• Unrefined DHA

Did you know that we can get plenty of healthy omega 3 fats by adding ground flaxseed to oatmeal, cereal, smoothies, and salads... Flaxseeds have a cholesterol lowering effect, unlike fish oil and flax oils, which tend to raise cholesterol.
Opti3 Vegetarian and Vegan Omega-3 EPA & DHA
Opti3 Omega-3 EPA & DHA is a 100% natural, high strength Omega-3 supplement. Opti3 is designed to offer the benefits of Omega-3, without the need for fish or animal ingredients. 

Sacha Inchi Seeds, 3.5oz - Organic Traditions
Sacha Inchi seeds come from the exotic star shaped pod of a Peruvian plant native to the Andes. Prized for centuries by the Incas, they were used for ceremonial and medicinal purposes and were incorporated into the daily diet. Also known as the Inca Nut, these seeds are an incredible vegetarian source of healthy Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fat, Fiber and Iron.


Vitamin B12 in Vegan foods

Vitamin B12 in  Vegan foods
Blue-green algae also provides a near complete balance of the vitamins that the body needs. It is high in the antioxidant beta carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. It is also extremely rich in B vitamins, providing even more B-12 than liver. In fact, the only vitamins missing from blue-green algae are vitamins D and E. A short time spent in the sun, however, can provide the body with vitamin D, as it is formed in the skin by ultraviolet rays.  

The most natural source of B12

How to Get Vegan Protein & B12, Give Up Caffeine, Achieve World Peace, And Win Free Food! 

It’s ironic that the burden of justifying possible nutritional deficiencies rests on vegans (“where do you get your protein/vitamin B-12/etc.?”), because research shows that vegans typically have twice the fruit and vegetable intake of people eating the standard American diet.
In recent studies, vegans had higher intakes of sixteen out of the nineteen nutrients studied, including three times more vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber, twice the folate, magnesium, copper, and manganese, and more calcium and plenty of protein.
Vegans also had half the saturated fat intake, one-sixth the rate of being overweight, and, while vegans were shown to be at risk for deficiencies in three nutrients (calcium, iodine, and vitamin B-12), people eating the standard American diet were at risk for deficiencies in seven nutrients (calcium, iodine, vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate, and magnesium).

1.     Spirulina is a primordial aquatic micro-blue green algae. Spirulina takes its energy directly from the sun and the minerals in waters that are naturally highly alkaline, or commercial aqua-farms where purity can be monitored. Spirulina cont...ains over 100 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and phytonutrients! Spirulina contains high levels of easily absorbed natural cell protectors (antioxidants) including chlorophyll, alpha and beta carotene and phycocyanin, the latter found exclusively in Spirulina.

Spirulina is approximately 65 - 70% amino acid proteins, which is greater then beef steak by far! Spirulina is a natural treasure trove of organic vitamin B12, iron, chromium, selenium and essential fatty acids (GLA). Indeed, Spirulina contains 50 times more blood building iron than spinach and 10 times more bone building calcium than milk. Spirulina is the highest natural plant source of stamina building Vitamin B12, has more good fats (GLA /EFA) than evening primrose oil, and more Vitamin E than raw wheat germ! Spirulina also contains growth factors that support and promote the growth of friendly intestinal flora. Such a food is properly called a pre-biotic.

Spirulina, like all edible dark green plants, is also highly alkalizing, meaning that it helps restore the acid–base balance. In other words, Spirulina helps neutralize the acidity caused by eating excess meats, starches, sugars, soft drinks and preserved foods, as well as by excess stress, excess exercise, environmental pollutants, drugs, alcohol, coffee and tobacco.

Spirulina is also rich in photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll that makes it a great heavy metal detoxifier. Doctors Sklar and Schwartz of Harvard School of Dental Medicine showed an extract of Spirulina’s antioxidants prevented cancer in animals.


I have difficulty accepting the current science regarding B12. How can B12, a vitamin so important cannot be produced by the body ?? Just because we have not discovered the process, it does not mean the body does not produce it. 
Molecules and atoms behave very different in the human body, than outside of them (see link below). Quoting from the Wikipedia article about B12, there is no accident, “the structure of B12 is based on a corrin ring, which is similar to the porphyrin ring found in heme, chlorophyll, and cytochrome.” There is a connection here, not understood by science.
In “Biological Transmutations", C. Louis Kervran says animal bodies are capable of transmuting one element into another. The human body and all plants, animals and even bacteria are able to transmute one element into another. Transmutation is always happening. 
Radioactive isotopes are also transmuted. There are many transmutation pathways and the body can create what it needs from what is available. The coding for all transmutations is in our DNA, hidden in what is now called "junk DNA".
The biological revelations in “Biological Transmutations” are equivalent to Copernicus discoveries. There are a lot of scientific interests blocking the dissemination of this knowledge. Pharmaceutical and agro-business corporations would attack Biological Transmutations. Darwinists would see transmutation processes as entirely unexplainable in the framework of their “theories”. 100,000 biologists would have to send their MS and PHD degrees back to the Cracker Jacks Company. 
Biological Transmutation is a key in pressing the Vegan agenda forward.
Evidence that atoms behave differently in biological system than outside of them
Edmund Storms on "Biological Transmutation"
“Biological Transmutations” editions on Amazon

Other interesting resources about Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 in the Vegan Diet by Reed Mangels, Ph.D., R.D.
Vitamin B12
Vegan Vitamin B12 Deficiency is a Myth


Calcium in vegan foods

Calcium in vegan foods

http://www.eatrundoyoga.com/blog/vegan-myth-calcium/     Organic sesame seeds (sesame seeds homemade MILK)
Secrets To Preventing Osteoporosis

10 Vegan Sources of Calcium

How to Improve Your Bone Density - Change Your Diet! I Run 200 Miles a Week - No Stress Fractures!





Protein MYTH debunked

Protein MYTH debunked

Dr. Tel Oren (MD): The Truth about Protein

Where do you get your Protein if you don't eat Meat?

The Truth About Protein and How the body creates it

What Is The Truth About Protein?

The Protein Myth  



Vegans are often asked "Where we get your protein?" World Health Organization, of the UN, says we need only 5% of our calories from proteins - same amount as in human breast milk. Nearly everything vegans eat contains at least 5% protein. Plants are a wonderful protein source - the building blocks for the bodies of the most powerful animals on earth: horses, elephants, rhinos, hippos, and gorillas. A more relevant question could be directed at non-vegans: "Where do you get your antioxidants and fiber?"

Did you know that cow milk contains far more protein than humans need... In fact, it has four times the amount of protein as in human breast milk. The purpose of cow milk is to promote rapid growth and turn a 65 lb. calf into a 500 lb. cow in about a year. Growth promoting proteins and hormones in cow milk help to make it the ideal food for calves. But recent studies suggest that those same substances, and dairy products in general, may cause humans more harm than good.

duminică, 24 martie 2013

OLD food industries go extinct while NEW ones are born

Food shortages could force world into vegetarianism, warn scientists

Livestock producers near 'breaking point'

Tyson Foods, the nation's biggest meat company, reported that its profits fell 61% in the most recent quarter due in large part to lower consumer demand for chicken and beef, and for rising costs of grain. Please visit Lower Demand for Meat Weighs on Tyson's Results   
It’s fantastic news to learn that people are eating fewer animal products and that mega-companies like Tyson are not invincible by any means. After all, Tyson and other business that profit from exploiting God’s animals depend entirely on the support of consumers. Fortunately, every day more people are learning about the devastating effects of the animal agriculture industry. The decrease in Tyson’s profits is a step on the right direction. 
 Have a blessed day!
<><  <><  <><

Lorena Mucke
Christian Vegetarian Association

Meat-Free Product Sales Are Rising as Meat Consumption Falls

U.S. milk sales reach lowest level in decades

Calif. expected to lose 100 dairy farms

Plant Closed by USDA Supplied Beef for In-N-Out Burger

Meat-Eaters Responsible for Veg Meals Rise

Meat consumption is down and it seems logic to thank vegetarian and vegan people for this; however, the good news is that this positive trend seems to be caused largely by meat-eaters looking for healthier, delicious veg options when dining out and in their homes. http://www.columbusalive.com/content/stories/2012/11/08/cover-story-meat-eaters-lead-rise-in-vegetarian-options.html