In 1995, post major car accident, SOME of my ESP got activated and I was on my very
early stages of spiritual awakening, various spiritual experiences and realizations
In 1996 I Inadvertently took my first red Pill re. BIG PHARMA
In 2001 my 2nd red pill, regarding 9/11
In 2004 my 3rd red pill regarding illuminati
In 2006 my next, regarding NWO and its limitless agendas including in the entertainment industry
In 2008 I've started my vegan JOURNEY which lasted 2 YEARS UNTIL I became vegan (cruelty free eating, thinking and living)
In 2011, next round was about planetary enslavement and liberation, including the suppressed cosmic and planetary history and reality
Ever since, I've gone through a myriad of INNERstandings, realizations, lessons, experiences (both good, bad and fascinating) as full on activist for all things FREEDOM, not only for humans but equally for the non human sentient beings alike
and develop a profound fascination with observing and analyzing HUMAN psyche THROUGH the accumulated and overwhelming information...
I've became very interested to find out HOW DEEP, how FAR the rabbit hole takes me...
I've met very interesting humans, both awakened and semi awakened
I've tried my best to reach out when I've seen and felt was needed...however way I could, even if it wasn't something spectacular, if ever...
Yet, the longer I'd venture on the rabbit hole path, the MORE I'd discover about HOW intricate, complex, complicated and CONNECTED EVERYTHING IS...
A MATRIX NETWORK so advanced, both (negatively) spiritual and technological alike, that it was no longer deniable
I've connected with FUTURE, aspiring human/spiritual influencers whom I've also tried to inspire in my own way, through my personal experiences and collective observations alike...
Some of them remained on the average influencing stage while others were already big game changers...
but BOTH had something in common
ONE way or another, intentionally and unknowingly, they have remained PUPPETS for the SYSTEM
Either through spreading false light messages, mocking the suffering of animals in our plates, mocking compassionate humans (vegans) who are working extremely hard under traumatic conditions to make this planet more and more habitable, OR influencers of major scale who are STILL promoting 1 of the 2 sides of the same political bird...
The included pics represent how the system's puppets (famous and not so famous BUT aspiring to)
have IN COMMON the one eye symbology...
the <celebrities> sold their souls for millions$$ and for their 15 mins of Earthly fame...while the little puppets are doing it for FREE or at most, for a few pennies...and a bit of (energy) attention...such as the spiritually bankrupted, always on the look out for more and more <attention> energy...at any cost...including risking their very pseudo reputation...
via self destructive free fall...they just <can't help it>
which NONE is evidently worth it...
MANY are into some form of spiritual malpractice to generate <success>
(more details on this through my other blog, including HIS years ago confession to me about HIS PAST with such practices and other related topics)
not sure HOW it works or IF it works at all, perhaps, temporary BUT as darkness (false light also) would have it, eventually it SELF EXPOSES and self destroys...
It's known that such spiritual malpractices, once exposed, they come to light and gradually fade away...
I didn't wanna really get into this until very recently, until I've discovered an older virtual acquaintance whom I've helped in the past and KNOWS about my vegan activism and lifestyle passion, YET, he has chosen to make a mockery of vegans and implicitly of HIMSELF...
ONE EYE symbology used in STADIUMS design for energetic extraction purposes and rituals
He is not qualified to hold any public space and role as self appointed life coach, spiritual influencer, reiki healer and spiritual author...
because he plays with fire in his little world and he has no clue WHAT ELSE is being used for LOOSH extraction, of which not only he participates with his cruelty based foods
but even more so, with mocking the most important liberation movement this planet has ever seen, through the animals holocaust
simply because he's got a very long way to SELF HEAL his mind and soul before he can attempt to inspire others onto the same path...
If you are truly authentic, sincere in your path and share it from a genuine space, without constant mockery against STILL enslaved and fearing humans of the system, you don't need symbology or spiritual dubious stuff to attract an audience...
the audience will naturally be drawn to you, IF the audience is interested in TRUTH of course...
If not, the audience you attract is just like the speaker...
not truly interested in Truth...
The fact that him and those like him are STILL inwardly struggling with moving away from cruelty based old foods, to the limitless compassionate alternatives, does not give them the right to mock the planetary animals holocaust and its sole activists...along many millions of vegans worldwide...conscious people who have INWARDLY made the connection, by self realization of the UNITY of ALL that lives...
which is the foundational basics, the very 101 of a spiritual, conscious living
combining SPECIESM with narcissism, they forget that the VERY <pseudo elites> we are all exposing and fighting to get out from their control grip, are doing the very SAME with us, the <lower> classes...the ones they are dominating...just as we, humans are doing to the non human beings...
AS we, humans are dominating, exploiting, killing and eating many other species...
Normalizing suffering and violence WHILE downplaying humanity's struggle to make ends meet WHILE you live with your grandma and bragging how spiritual you are and posing as therapeut is pure spiritual buffoonery, con artistry and arrogance
NEVER in my decades long as a red pilled activist have I ever imagined how only since the plandemic, I've got to discover so many layers of deceit and hypocrisy in TRUTH, SPIRITUAL movements alike...
many passionate on the topic, denying the right to LIFE and FREEDOM of all species, YET, expecting, demanding it ONLY for humans...
THIS in my book is intolerable
as such, my latest endeavour in AWAKENING the self proclaimed awakened turns out is far more complicated than helping or inspiring mass awakening...
simply because the <pseudo influencers> are still DEEPLY ENTRENCHED in the very MATRIX they BELIEVE they came OUT of...and are exposing...
at least they believe they are...
when in reality, they remain ITS very string puppets
small, medium or BIG puppets...
cheap, average and more expensive ones...
there is a Reason why, despite his 24K <followers> he is HARDLY getting ANY likes to his You Tube videos or shares...
simply because MANY people love going to circus to watch the clowns, YET they never take SERIOUSLY the clowns or the circus they create...
people are drawn to cheap shows...
nothing truly relevant, relatable or REALISTIC...
even the most dumbed down SENSE a wanna be and a spiritual impersonator, let alone a <pseudo therapist> from someone authentic...
the VIBES give them away...
book's title is The eyes of an angel...
the <angel> who repeatedly mocks suffering of TENS of billions sentient beings and the true system changers...

Not sure what he attempted with THE CLICHE ABOVE ONE EYE book cover self advertising but he should've KNOWN better since humanity is now paying attention...
small puppets mocking vegans (the 16 millions++ and counting worldwide) and implicitly TENS OF BILLIONS of SENTIENT BEINGS forced into enslavement and extremely cruel, violent and untimely deaths, ending up as chopped pieces on humans' plates
and remaining a spiritual illiterate with respect to what VEGANISM really is https://agnvegglobal.blogspot.com/2023/07/what-is-veganism.html through next pic on his public page with 24 K followers

and what he did receive from me
exposing FALSE LIGHT has unintentionally became part of my activism because the hard working light workers of this planet are exhausted from the brutal AWARENESS of the ongoing ritualistic mass sacrifice of 200,000 sentient beings EACH SINGLE MINUTE...
the extremely heavy system we are under, from the masses apathy and indifference and lately, of attacks from these small time phony influencers who are attempting to make themselves look taller (height complex of which many short guys suffer from) by putting down the largest liberation movement for ALL beings...
Wolves in sheep's clothes...
false light pseudo spiritual influencers and so called life coaches who
are YET to better their own minds, souls and lives...
same ones mocking vegans are also mocking the victims of animals
holocaust and exude a degree of SPECIESM so dangerously advanced,
combined with excessive spiritual narcissism it transfers into a mockery
at many other category of humans...
Mocking the mask wearing humans during the plandemic...when we've ALL been coersed to wear it, even if we hated it...be it even short term...unlike others who have been forced to continue using it for survival purposes...to keep their jobs...
unlike the jobLess living in their grandma's small apartment...with grandma who must've worn HER mask to do the grocery shopping for her and her <big and famous> nephew spiritualist turned writer turned therapist turned activist for the wrong subjects...and wrong reasons
Even if I'm most certain HE TOO must've worn a mask during the plandemic, when going grocery shopping, UNLESS he sent his grandma to do the shopping for him...
This sheep muzzle mask (The new collection fall-winter 2023/2024)
posted on his PUBLIC page is mocking BOTH the sheep AND the humans (idiotic) called sheeple since there is a Big difference between SHEEP enslavement and human enslavement...
the epitome if ignorance and extreme narcissistic arrogance...
imagine HOW SMALL one must feel (not only stature short) that he GETS OFF by mocking cruelty and suffering
and since the term SHEEPLE has started to make the rounds once too often, within the truth communities, here are some differences between the enslaved sheep and enslaved humans...
the humans who have <the power> yet unable and unwilling to use it...including the ones who brag about being truth and freedom activists, yet are still part and parcel of the very system they believe they fight...
SUCH is their INNER true character...If any at all
System puppet
simply because they feel inside they are not up to par with what they really should be addressing and using their sphere of influence for...#falselight workers
Not only they continue to ignore the extreme cruelty behind our foods and lifestyles, they PROMOTE it via pseudo health influencers, they MOCK the tens of billions sentient beings torment and agony, besides making the planetary healing activists work harder by their retarded and false sense of humour...
Little do they care to admit through their narrow consciousness and shallow minds that they remain far worse than the very sheep or <sheeple> they so desperately attempt to mock...
simply because they've always been and remain little Puppets on a string...
not the therapists they so arrogantly brag of being but just false light agents...
On behalf of the close (if not more) to 20 MILLION vegans worldwide and especially the TENS OF BILLIONS non human sentient beings called ANIMALS (ANIMA= SOUL), ruthlessly killed in slaughterhouses worldwide (where HIM and all those like him need to be dragged and forced to spend an entire day to see the hell on earth they are mocking), I will continue to expose those who attempt to draw (steal) energy through the wrong attention on such vital and sensitive topic.
because I've just started to scratch the surface...about him and those like him...
Exposing WHAT they represent and WHOM they are really working for...
to be cont...via DIRECT EXPERIENCE with such system's puppets
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