Are Plant Foods worse for Animals and the Environment?
In my local area I've been encountering quite a bit of pushback from people who claim that dependence on plant-based foods such as grains and seeds results in exacerbated land use and the collateral killing of many more animals than if we relied on pasture-raised livestock.
I did some calculations on land use efficiency using figures obtained by doing a Google search of Extension Offices and organic farmers:
Pasture-fed "beef" cows who can be raised on 1 acre per year:
Number of acres needed to raise 1 "beef" cow/heifer = 2 (a very liberal estimate)
Pounds of meat obtained from 1 "beef" cow/heifer = 600
Calories per pound of meat = 800
Calories from meat per acre = 240,000 (800 x 600 / 2)
Sample combination of food crops that can be grown on 1 acre (divided equally) per year:
5,000 lbs carrots AND 4,000 lbs potatoes AND 1,000 pounds wheat AND 4,000 lbs winter squash
Calorie value of those food crops:
carrots = 180 calories/lb = 900,000 calories per 0.25 acres
potatoes = 400 calories/lb = 1,600,000 calories per 0.25 acres
wheat = 1400 calories/lb = 1,400,000 calories per 0.25 acres
winter squash = 180 calories/lb = 720,000 calories per 0.25 acres
Total calories from food crops per acre = 4,620,000
Number of persons who could be fed in one year with one acre (assuming 2,100 calories per day):
With meat calories = 0.3 persons
With food crop calories = 6 persons
use-efficiency of food crops over livestock = 19 times more efficient
I suppose the production of meat could be made more efficient by raising different animals instead of just "beef" cattle. Allowing for that, suppose we double the efficiency of producing meat. That still leaves plant-based food crops at about 10x the efficiency of meat production.
I did some calculations on land use efficiency using figures obtained by doing a Google search of Extension Offices and organic farmers:
Pasture-fed "beef" cows who can be raised on 1 acre per year:
Number of acres needed to raise 1 "beef" cow/heifer = 2 (a very liberal estimate)
Pounds of meat obtained from 1 "beef" cow/heifer = 600
Calories per pound of meat = 800
Calories from meat per acre = 240,000 (800 x 600 / 2)
Sample combination of food crops that can be grown on 1 acre (divided equally) per year:
5,000 lbs carrots AND 4,000 lbs potatoes AND 1,000 pounds wheat AND 4,000 lbs winter squash
Calorie value of those food crops:
carrots = 180 calories/lb = 900,000 calories per 0.25 acres
potatoes = 400 calories/lb = 1,600,000 calories per 0.25 acres
wheat = 1400 calories/lb = 1,400,000 calories per 0.25 acres
winter squash = 180 calories/lb = 720,000 calories per 0.25 acres
Total calories from food crops per acre = 4,620,000
Number of persons who could be fed in one year with one acre (assuming 2,100 calories per day):
With meat calories = 0.3 persons
With food crop calories = 6 persons
use-efficiency of food crops over livestock = 19 times more efficient
I suppose the production of meat could be made more efficient by raising different animals instead of just "beef" cattle. Allowing for that, suppose we double the efficiency of producing meat. That still leaves plant-based food crops at about 10x the efficiency of meat production.
-Stephen Augustine
Via Christian Vegetarian Association
For example, researchers estimate that 2.5 acres of land can meet the food energy needs of twenty-two people eating potatoes, nineteen people eating corn, twenty-three people eating cabbage, fifteen people eating wheat, or two people eating chicken or dairy products, and only one person eating beef or eggs.
May all beings be free and at peace, Will
Food for life global (largest world hunger organization/PLANT BASED FOODS)
World hunger Diet change would ease food pressure
Animal People Online » EDITORIAL: Animal husbandry & the Horn of Africa famine
May all beings be free and at peace, Will
Did you know that beef cattle feedlots typically use 12 pounds of corn, oats, and soybeans to produce just one pound of meat... So we're using twelve times the amount of resources it takes to grow plants for human consumption. That means 12 times the amount of land, 12 times the amount of water, 12 times the amount of fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and fuel for farm machinery. Animal products also require far greater energy use for refrigeration than do foods from plant sources. Meat production is terribly wasteful and diverts valuable resources that could be used to alleviate hunger.
Did you know that beef cattle feedlots typically use 12 pounds of corn, oats, and soybeans to produce just one pound of meat... So we're using twelve times the amount of resources it takes to grow plants for human consumption. That means 12 times the amount of land, 12 times the amount of water, 12 times the amount of fertilizer, pesticides, herbicides, and fuel for farm machinery. Animal products also require far greater energy use for refrigeration than do foods from plant sources. Meat production is terribly wasteful and diverts valuable resources that could be used to alleviate hunger.
Animal agriculture is a terribly inefficient and destructive way to produce food. Cows are fed about 12 pounds of grains, corn, and beans to produce just one pound of meat. When we feed animals for human consumption, we wind up with products that give us only a small fraction of the calories in those feed grains that we started with, and an even smaller fraction of the nutrients. Animal agriculture now utilizes 80% of U.S. farmlands to produce the meat, dairy, and eggs that provide only 30% of our food. Our taste for meat diverts and wastes valuable resources that could be used to alleviate hunger.
we can now grow YEAR ROUND fresh, organic real food with NO ELECTRICITY
Growing Winter Organic Produce
ORGANIC SOIL nutrients and products
20,000 children die every day from starvation and malnutrition, while factory farmed animals are fed over 200 million tons of plant food each year
I recently read an article where many middle class and poor Americans could not ...afford a healthy diet and are being forced into eating a less healthy diet of fast foods and processed foods from cans. It is posing a huge problem as it is affecting children's performance in school as well as their parent's performance on the job. Poor diet also imposes extreme health issues and compromises our healthcare program.
My solution to this is to adopt a very healthy Vegan diet of beans and grains. Beans and grains average $1.50 a pound in bulk and that is for organic. Beans and grains will give you all of the proteins, antibiotics, healthy vitamins and nutrition for very little money. I experimented for a month just surviving on mung, garbanzo and adzuki beans, plus hulled barley, wheat berries, buckwheat and quinoa. I bought forty pounds at an average cost of $1.80 a pound, spending $72.00. I ate nothing for the entire month except sprouted beans, cooked and sprouted grains. At the end of the month I had enough for the next month if I wanted to keep going.
Beans and grains will also fill you up so you do not need a ton of food. Food like breads and processed canned and boxed foods are empty calories and will just make you hungry where your body craves nutrition so you will eat more. Beans and grains will keep your appetite satisfied and your body full of nutrition.
So, a family of four can easily survive very well on $100 to $200 a month on a Vegan diet and even add vegetables and fruit. As long as you buy in season, you can purchase the best quality organic fruits and vegetables very reasonably. You can also grow your own food for pennies and make sure to shop at farmer's market and farms in your area. There is no reason to be forced to eat a poor diet that will jeopardize your family's health, which in the long run will end up costing you $10,000's in medical bills and prescription drugs.
I make a tremendously healthy salad I call the "Aquarius Salad." I use sprouted beans, wheat berries, beets, carrots, celery, parsley, red cabbage. I make enough for a week and it is all organic. My cost for the salad is approximately $25. I season it with Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar which cost a few dollars and will lost you two months. I have no problem surviving on this salad. At night I may have buckwheat or quinoa which cost about fifty cents a serving..........
Eating healthy and maintaining your optimum health is by no means a challenge. Meat and dairy are not only very expensive but very unhealthy. Veganism is the only path to insuring your family's health, happiness and financial security...
My solution to this is to adopt a very healthy Vegan diet of beans and grains. Beans and grains average $1.50 a pound in bulk and that is for organic. Beans and grains will give you all of the proteins, antibiotics, healthy vitamins and nutrition for very little money. I experimented for a month just surviving on mung, garbanzo and adzuki beans, plus hulled barley, wheat berries, buckwheat and quinoa. I bought forty pounds at an average cost of $1.80 a pound, spending $72.00. I ate nothing for the entire month except sprouted beans, cooked and sprouted grains. At the end of the month I had enough for the next month if I wanted to keep going.
Beans and grains will also fill you up so you do not need a ton of food. Food like breads and processed canned and boxed foods are empty calories and will just make you hungry where your body craves nutrition so you will eat more. Beans and grains will keep your appetite satisfied and your body full of nutrition.
So, a family of four can easily survive very well on $100 to $200 a month on a Vegan diet and even add vegetables and fruit. As long as you buy in season, you can purchase the best quality organic fruits and vegetables very reasonably. You can also grow your own food for pennies and make sure to shop at farmer's market and farms in your area. There is no reason to be forced to eat a poor diet that will jeopardize your family's health, which in the long run will end up costing you $10,000's in medical bills and prescription drugs.
I make a tremendously healthy salad I call the "Aquarius Salad." I use sprouted beans, wheat berries, beets, carrots, celery, parsley, red cabbage. I make enough for a week and it is all organic. My cost for the salad is approximately $25. I season it with Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar which cost a few dollars and will lost you two months. I have no problem surviving on this salad. At night I may have buckwheat or quinoa which cost about fifty cents a serving..........
Eating healthy and maintaining your optimum health is by no means a challenge. Meat and dairy are not only very expensive but very unhealthy. Veganism is the only path to insuring your family's health, happiness and financial security...
http://worldpeacediet.com - our daily VegInspiration For The Day http://circleofcompassion.org - our Prayer Circle For Animals Weekly Update http://worldpeacemastery.com - our new online self-paced WPD Facilitator Training
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