vineri, 16 august 2024

Food energies and health

 We will never attain spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health as long as we ingest suffering, cruelty and death imbued energies and.

Our INNER and OUTER planetary environments need to emanate high vibrational energies for us to experience wellbeing.

A cell can never truly heal in a very sick INNER and OUTER environment.

High vibrational foods are the very BASE of our spiritual and physical healing.

Transitioning to a highly raw, plant based diet may take some time but for the interim, we now have limitless CRUELTY FREE alternatives and versions of ALL our comfort foods we grew up with.

A we awaken and learn how to attract, create, cultivate and amplify high vibrational energies and activities, we will swiftly move away from and crave higher and higher vibrational REAL FOODS, not BEINGS and their body parts/secretions AS foods.

We are spiritually, psychologically, emotionally and biologically created AS FRUGIVORS and eventually BREATHARIANS.  

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