Why is it that vegans are always trying to make everything taste like meat?
Plant based
diets are not a new, fading trend
They are
the ORIGINAL TRADITIONAL foods specifically created for humans and countless
other species.
From Past to Present: The History of Plant-based
Meats and their Current Trends in Asia
Plant-based meat is actually centuries old!
Plant-based meat alternatives have been a hot
topic for the last few years and are still associated with novelty. But did you
know that the first record of a plant-based meat alternative was over 2000
years ago? Plant-based meat has a long and rich history in Asia and has been
ingrained in various Eastern cultures since it was first consumed in ancient
One of the reasons plant-based meat alternatives
were widely consumed in China was due to Buddhism. Buddhism prohibits the killing
of any person or animal, leading Buddhists to adopt vegetarian diets. As part
of their tradition, Buddhists incorporated “First-generation” plant-based meat
alternatives – tofu, tempeh, and seitan – into their vegetarian diet.
Tofu – the first reported plant-based product
While it is difficult to pinpoint when the first
plant-based product was made, tofu (coagulated soy milk) was the first reported
product and was created in China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) over 20
centuries ago. Tofu was extensively consumed throughout various ancient Chinese
Dynasties (Tang, Song etc.). Tempeh (fermented soybean), a traditional
Indonesian staple, has been consumed in Southeast Asia for the past four to
five centuries or longer!
Emergence of “Second-Generation” Plant-based Meat
In the 1300s, innovation in plant-based meat
alternatives that were not merely traditional tofu or tempeh began to appear.
Products like mock eel meat and mock sausage were developed in China. These are
coined “Second-generation” plant-based meat alternatives. By the 1800s, such
products were widespread in various Asian countries like Japan, Indonesia, and
Figure 2: “2nd-generation” traditional
plant-based meat alternatives commonly eaten in Asian (From Top to Bottom, Left
to Right: Mock Char Siew, Mock Bakkwa, Mock Duck, Mock Tempura Prawn, Mock Fish
Slices and Mock Mutton). Pictures belong to Sensory & Ingestive Behaviour
Team, Clinical Nutrition Research Centre, Singapore Institute of Food and
Biotechnology Innovation, A*STAR Singapore.
Meat alternatives were also popular in Medieval
Europe during Lent, which prohibited the consumption of warm-blooded animals,
eggs, and dairy products. Chopped almonds and grapes were used as a substitute
for mincemeat. Diced bread was made into imitation cracklings and greaves.
The idea of using plants to mimic the taste and
texture of meat was first recorded in ancient China, where Buddhist monks
created vegetarian dishes that resembled meat. To date, the majority of
Buddhist monks follow the principles of ‘ahimsa’ (nonviolence), thus avoiding
eating animal meat. China is also the birthplace of tofu – invented by the Han
dynasty (206 BC–220 CE).
During the Medieval period in Europe, people
turned to meat alternatives during Lent, a period that forbade the consumption
of warm-blooded animals, eggs, and dairy products. To replace the taste and
texture of meat, they often used a mix of chopped almonds and grapes as a
substitute for mincemeat.
Fast forward to 1877, when the Kellogg brothers
invented a plant-based meat product called “Protose.” This meat substitute was
made from peanuts, wheat gluten, and a variety of other plant-based
ingredients. While not comparable to today’s meatless products, it certainly
laid the groundwork for future plant-based meat and was met with curiosity by
all palates.
From the early 2000s, a slew of meatless meat
companies emerged worldwide, including big names like Quorn, Gardein,
Impossible Foods, and Beyond Meat. Even major meat producers like Tyson and
Cargill jumped on board, developing their own plant-based meat lines. While
there have been setbacks along the way, the growth of plant-based meat shows no
signs of slowing down. The global market was valued at $5.3 billion in 2021 and
is projected to reach a whopping $33.3 billion by 2031, growing at a CAGR of
20.5% from 2022 to 2031. In Asia alone, the intellectual property for
plant-based meat has grown more than three times over the last decade, jumping
from 2,388 in 2012 to 7,126 in 2022 – meaning that a growing number of
companies are developing new products to meet the rising demand.
As consumers become increasingly conscious of the
impact their dietary choices have on the planet and their health, plant-based
protein sources are becoming more popular than ever before. This trend is
likely to continue, leading to an even greater variety of options on supermarket shelves. As the demand
for sustainable and humane protein sources grows, it’s clear that plant-based
meat is a long-term solution for some of the most pressing issues affecting
protein production.
This work happened because of the support of
people like you. Please consider donating today to build a more humane and
sustainable protein supply in Asia.
Jaime Athos, the chief executive of Tofurky, a
company whose products are rooted in soy protein, pointed to sales figures from
the last two years, when real-animal meat sales were flat while sales of meat
alternatives grew by about 37 or 38 percent. “So that’s how a revolution
happens, that kind of growth rate,” he said.
The New Makers of Plant-Based Meat? Big Meat
Tyson, Smithfield, Perdue and Hormel have all
rolled out meat alternatives, filling supermarket shelves with an array of
plant-based burgers, meatballs and chicken nuggets.
In Brazil, the hippie movement disseminated
vegetarianism and a natural lifestyle. Food practices promoted by them included
vegetarian meat substitutes such as burgers and patties made with lentils,
beans, mushrooms, and fresh ingredients
Lifschitz, 1997
These early products, made by whole ingredients,
can be called traditional meat substitutes
The evolution of a plant-based alternative to
meat: From niche markets to widely accepted meat alternatives
Plant-based alternatives to meat are a growing
market segment. The European LikeMeat project investigated consumers'
motivation for shifting their diets towards meat alternatives and developed a
meat alternative product that resembles the fibrous structure, bite and juicy
mouth-feel of meat. In a high moisture cooking extrusion process, plant
proteins are converted to a base product that has a meat-like structure.
Various protein sources and their combinations with further food ingredients
were tested to develop this base product, including the creation of flavour
components and the addition of aroma ingredients and spices. Furthermore, focus
was put on the microbiota. Microbiota were analysed in raw materials as were
their inactivation rates during the cooking extrusion process and their
potential growth in the refined and packed food product. The LikeMeat base
product serves as the base for a wide range of food preparations.
In the 19th century, vegetarianism became popular
among Europeans who were concerned about animal welfare and environmental
sustainability. This led to the creation of meat substitutes such as vegetable
burgers and sausages.
Demand for plant-based foods is soaring across
Europe, and top supermarkets, restaurants and food producers are investing in
expanding their offerings in response.
Retail sales of plant-based foods across Europe
reached €5.8 billion in 2022 – 6% higher than 2021, and 21% higher than 2020.
Germany leads the market, with sales totalling €1.9
billion in 2022. The UK is in second place at €964 million.
Plant-based meat sales alone accounted for €2
billion in 2022 – up 19% compared with 2020.
Dangerous E. coli bacteria that caused three
foodborne illness outbreaks in late 2019 most likely came from cattle that
grazed near fields of romaine lettuce or leafy greens, according to a recent
U.S. Food and Drug Administration report. FDA’s findings make clear that
growers, ranchers, and local, state, and federal agencies must work together to
prevent contamination of leafy greens by pathogens commonly present in animal
fecal matter. This food safety problem cannot be solved by a single industry or
regulatory authority.
Public health officials linked the three
outbreaks—each caused by a different strain of E. coli O157:H7—to romaine
lettuce or salad mixes, and traced these products to several fields in
California’s Salinas Valley. According to FDA’s report released in May,
investigators found the E. coli strain from the largest of the outbreaks in a
sample of fecal and soil matter taken from a cattle grate within 2 miles of
multiple fields where romaine had been grown. Other harmful strains unrelated to
the 2019 outbreaks turned up in samples taken from an area between fields and
grazing land and from on-farm water drainage basins.
This is not the first time that cattle have been
implicated as a likely source of produce contamination. A feedlot with tens of
thousands of animals adjacent to an irrigation canal used by farms in Yuma,
Arizona, was the possible source of E. coli in a 2018 outbreak also linked to
romaine. FDA’s investigation in the Salinas Valley highlights that much smaller
herds also can pose contamination risks for nearby produce operations.
The FDA report makes clear that allowing cattle
to graze near fields that grow romaine lettuce or other leafy greens creates an
unacceptable risk to the health of consumers, who often eat these foods raw.
The question is how best to reduce this danger.
Isn't it perplexing how humans with truly
compassionate nature continue to deliberately ignore the immense CRUELTY in our
foods and HOW they are being produced, at the very LIFE expense of countless
other beings of many species?
Is this why humans are here on this planet? to enjoy life on many other species'
Behind all this apparent fun and beauty, there
lies unspeakable suffering, torture, cruelty...violence...we are now using
advanced communication and transportation means, YET, the FOOD tradition is
hardly changing and evolving...
Thousands years ago, CONSCIOUS cultures were
thriving on PLANT BASED foods, for many many generations
we need to band together as a compassionate and
intelligent race, human race that is and put an end to animals exploitation,
killing and consumption, promoting ONLY real foods that grow directly from
let's stop promoting CRUELTY FOODS because
#peacebeginsinourplates and create NEW,
Because the golden rule in Creation is #donotkill
and because #karmaisreal for 20 years we
have access through internet to the TRUTH behind our foods more recent
traditions, we can no longer use the I DIDN'T KNOW excuse to cause
unspeakable suffering to our EARTH
brothers and sisters in temporary animal form...animals ARE souls in various
bodies #liveandletlive https://agnvegglobal.blogspot.com/2011/12/animal-consciousness-and-intelligence.html
Let's catch up the technological advancements
with consciousness advancement and evolution
Do what's Right...
Don't follow the human herd anymore...
They are Still Very Lost...
Vegan Morpheus : The MEATtrix is a system, Neo.
This Animals exploitation, killing and eating system is our enemy. But when
you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers,
lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to wake up, to
stop causing extreme harm to countless other sentient beings and species and
also save themselves.
But until we do, these people are still a part of
that system and that makes them to see you as their enemy. You have to
understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of
them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight
to protect it.
Vegan Morpheus:
It is the cruel world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you
from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Vegan Morpheus: That you are a spiritual slave,
Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, into a prison that you
cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind, body and soul as long as
you sustain it through this cruelty based lifestyle.
SPECIESism in imagery
MAN 2020
What is a vegan Red Pill moment?
What was your vegan “red pill” moment?
I was having a conversation with a friend about 5 years ago. He wasn’t even vegan he and I just both knew that vegetables had to be healthier than saturated fat in meats. We were getting baked and having a deep talk. It just dawned on me how we weren’t supposed to eat the animals. I stopped eating animal products that day and have never looked back. Once the light bulb turned on I can’t turn it off. I can’t unlearn what I know. I would let myself starve and go naked before exploiting or hurting another animal.
So what was your aha moment that turned you vegan? (I also have a philosophy that we were always vegan we just needed the understanding to get there)
A different perspective through PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE
This is a call to mass awakening...it is not meant to accuse or judge, for all of us have been and many still are part of the meat and other animal based products matrix through the shoes, clothing, furniture we wear and use...heavy, prolonged guilt for what we've done or what we are doing cannot serve the highest purpose of illuminating and liberating our souls and of the animals from this prison...love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding and most importantly the will from within and through the heart to change is what we now need...
A message from the animals:
"It is now a time of great awakening. We call
upon humanity in an invitation to consider that
we need your help in the healing of the planet;
we are its co-guardians, and are also here to live
a life of joy, love, and collaboration. That is our
sole purpose and mission. Please let us guide
~The Animals
excerpt from the amazing book: "The Animals' Messenger: A TALE OF TRUTH AND PURPOSE"
Author SHIRI JOSHUA, the animal human communicator
EVERYthing is ENERGY, including FEELINGS, EMOTIONS, THOUGHTS, DESIRES, INTENTION, WORDS, and ACTION. ENERGY never dies and only transforms and transmutes.
Peace on Earth that so many of us would like to believe we genuinely work on attaining, will never become our experience if we continue to kill other creatures, no matter what the reason or "excuse".
Everything at physical level is affected by what takes place at energetic level. EVERY physical problem starts at a NON-physical level first and it’s an EFFECT of a SPIRITUAL dis-connect CAUSE.
WARS against other creatures, WARS against eachother
§ EVERY MINUTE, in the world: 2000 RABBITS, 900 SHEEP, 500 CATTLE, 2,600 PIGS, 3,000 DUCKS, 1,200 TURKEYS, 84,000 CHICKENS, plus many more animals, get SLAUGHTERED and consumed as FOOD...to do your math and to view the LIVE ongoing chart of the # of slaughtered farm ...animals on a minute by minute account, visit http://www.adaptt.org/killcounter.html
§ http://www.circleofcompassion.org/
scroll mid main/home page on the left side...
§ simply time any minute, take down the START and FINISH # of each animal group when the minute starts and ends and do the math...does anyone really think that at this unimaginable rate of mass animals cruel genocide of which all of us are taking part by either ignoring, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear, by consuming and using/wearing animals products, we will see PEACE and LIGHT on this planet?
§ all the PAIN and terror ENERGY, transmuted instantly into the FLESH of the slaughtered unfortunate being which HAD A SOUL, becoming "food" for our children and people in general, ingested and becoming ONE with our very own body and emotions and feelings, also, transmuted into the EARTH's ENERGY FIELD all absorb in our hearts and souls and minds...
§ all this fear, terror and pain ENERGY becoming US, do we really think that we will ever live to see a true PEACE in our world, where people will at last live in LOVE and shed their FEARS? Our overall karmic debt will be ongoing until we wake up and realize what terrible programming we've allowed ourselves to fall prey to, for too long! Interrupting a soul's life journey, regardless of his/her momentary bodily form, is interfering with Universal plan that each soul should live free, happy and a whole life.
§ Humans were originally created to live off life force alone. We are lifetimes away from going back to our divine powers of simply living off sun energy, despite the already 3,000 breathatarians in the world already...
§ Until such times, FREELY offered Mother Earth created foods for humankind such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts, seeds are the only food for spiritual and physical health and for world peace! Dr. Will Tuttle, the WORLD PEACE DIET author and global movement, took his PHD by scientifically proving that human's aggression and violent attitude towards animals, transmutes, replicates and mirrors in human's violent and aggressive tendencies and attitudes towards other humans. Other prior visionaries have known and stated the same.
§ WARS never started with man against man....it started with man against OTHER beings and BECAME later what we know of today as WARS against each other. Want PEACE and LOVE in our world? Is easy...let's start to practice just that, at the BASIC, at the FUNDAMENTAL levels, with our equally Divinely created spiritual family in all other physical forms. World Peace Diet is our only way towards TRUE WORLD PEACE!
WHERE does the fear ENERGY of terrible lives and deaths of BILLIONS of souls in farm animals bodies and lab experiments animals and of those who are being used as RESOURCE, is actually being transmuted? WHERE does it go?
It instantly becomes ONE with the flesh and body of the animals DURING their miserable lives and terrible deaths.
And, since the fear blueprint remains imbued in the flesh and skin, and planetary energy field, we either consume/ingest it or wear it, carrying it around, indefinitely, until the vicious circle stops. This is the first awakening step.
Adopting an animal products free lifestyle and developing LOVE AND COMPASSION by reminding ourselves what we already know deep down within, which is ANIMALS are created by the very same source which created our children and us and all that is beautiful and Love and Divine and to adopt a love and compassion based relationship with our brothers and sisters in animal form, is the next step.
A planet where each creature/being KILLS and EATS each other, with human at the top of the pyramid, would inevitably and eventually become unsustainable and cannibalistic. After the fox ate all rabbits, after the wolf ate all foxes, after the lion will have eaten all wolves and after MAN will have eaten all lions, WHO will man turn to, to eat but to him/herself!
For those who argue that OMNIVOROUS is the BALANCED way to go about, well...if this was the case, why our Creator did not created ALL BEINGS OMNIVOROUS?
WHY the MAJORITY of animal groups are NOT CARNIVORES and only HERBIVORES? Why man doesn't eat carnivores animals? WHERE does the ASTONISHING beautiful, powerful, muscular, energetic HORSE gets his MUSCLES and ENERGY from since all he eats is GRASS?
How about BUFFALOS, elephants, giraffes, zebras, deer and many more? Where do the COWS get their STRONG BONES from, since they most certainly don’t consume DAIRY products and only produce milk FOR THEIR CALVES from the grass they normally should eat...meaning, NO NEED for “dairy” to get our calcium, which can be freely made as we need, through biological transmutation, by consuming CHLOROPHIL based foods...
where do VEGAN BODYBUILDERS and athletes get their MUSCLE MASS and energy from since they don't touch animal based foods nor steroids? this is real food for thought...many related links are posted in this blog...the MEAT red pill and the COMPASSIONATE relationship with one another is already making the rounds around the world
The CreatorS (Alpha and Omega, Intelligence Substance, Male Female, Yin Yang, Father Mother co creators) assigned man as Earth GUARDIAN, steward and caretaker, including of ALL other Earth life forms, meaning we are here to SUPPORT, PROTECT, LOVE every other life form, to LIVE in LOVE, HARMONY, HIGH REVERANCE AND RESPECT with all life, not to destroy it.
We are CO-creators by nature, not DESTROYERS. For those who argue that HERE on planet Earth or even in some other possible parts of the Universe, IT IS NORMAL AND NATURAL that one creature eats the other, ask yourself: WHY would an all loving, all intelligent, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Creator Force Energy Father Mother (known by many other names) would go to such infinite lengths to create HIGHLY, EXTREMELY COMPLEX, BEAUTIFUL, LOVING Beings, DIVERSE in SHAPE, COLOUR, DESIGN, DETAIL, ONLY for us to destroy them? Created with Love only to be destroyed?
For them to eat each other? Have we even studied and attempted to understand the mindboggling complexity, intricacy of a NAIL or of a HAIR? Let alone the infinite complexity of how a body is being created and its functions at molecular cellular level? Both in man, animal, plant, mineral? Let alone the creation of a SOUL occupying each body? So much LOVE, EFFORT into creating this life only to be destroyed? Imagine you want to invent/create some robots...WHY would someone need to invent some robots other than for technological use and practice?
Let alone creating LIFE!
When you decide to create the robots, do you also decide that THE PURPOSE of creating them is to be destroyed upon completion of creating them? Is this why people create things? To destroy them? Then, how can one argue that God's purpose for animals was to be destroyed by humans? The purpose of CREATION cannot be DESTRUCTION. For those who wonder, then, HOW COME SOME animals kill for food and some don't?
Why the difference? Well, the answer is not easy to access but it is all within, ready to resurface when one is ready to receive it...
Unspoken millennia ago, during some beings' Universal rebellion (also known as Luciferian rebellion) http://www.revelatorium.com/
through regressive consciousness and EGO BASED MISUSE of their God LIKE powers, they've started to play Creator and managed somehow, over a very long period of time, to alter some life forms and later on doing gene splicing...
and so, in the simplest explanatory form, SOME beings have been negatively altered, programmed and affected to such degree that they've started to kill for "food", following the manipulation of other beings consciousness through repeated malevolent acts and this goes for all carnivorous animals and humans...as it transmuted from the corrupted in consciousness beings to some animals and to most omnivorous humans...and the vicious circle goes back and forth...
Also, the same regressed in consciousness beings, having cut themselves loose from the CREATOR LIGHT LIFE SOURCE that feeds and sustains us way before the oxygen, water and food does, remaining by FREE CHOICE without the silver cord connection to the Source that created all, started to run out of LIFE FORCE SUPPLY.
Without it, our Light Life Force would be off in a split second and IMMEDIATE PHYSICAL DEATH WOULD OCCUR. One can live without oxygen for a few minutes, without water for days, without food for weeks or years (breathatarians) but not one single soul can live without LIFE FORCE (prana, chi, ki, cosmic energy), entering our bodies through medulla oblongata (Any other organ can be operated upon except the Medulla Oblongata…once a surgeon knife would penetrate it, it would also mean the end of our physical lives)
Running out of LIFE supply, by doing destructive and self destructive things and by using their Divinely inherited INTELLECT but with NO FEELINGS remaining, they’ve started to FEED OFF LIFE FORCE through OTHER SENTIENT BEINGS. The story is long and almost impossible to fully grasp through these few passages. However, to make it more understandable, the 2 ways of how they’ve discovered how to STEAL Life Force, BYPASSING the very direct connection, which was severed BY THEM, through FREE WILL and repeated self/destructive actions in themselves and others, were:
-by first, sentient animals’ (and later, humans’) ritual sacrifice where the blood, heart of the unfortunate being was being consumed, as they reasoned that the blood, at physical level contains the most amount of energy life force
-by using their control and power over the dominated masses to keep planetary, individual and collective consciousness and frequencies at low levels, through intentionally created wars, violence, hatred, competition, greed, addictions, misery, famine, poverty, dis-ease, in order to FEED OFF LOW FREQUENCY ENERGIES from our collective animals, humans, planetary energies, emanated through our individual and collective suffering and illusory separation from Source.
BILLIONS of terribly suffering animals and human beings, emanating all of these many low vibratory frequencies into our beloved Mother Earth bio energetic field (auric/etheric body, where all of our individual and collective history is being permanently recorded), is forming an extremely LOW vibratory parasitical energies, the perfect food for the regressed in consciousness parasitical entities who control and use those behind world’s atrocities.
EVERYthing is energy
Through both these methods, and BECAUSE of them, meat eating and wars and multifold sources of misery have been passed down and onto us from many many thousands of years ago.
Also, major religions and national celebrations that support annual ritual animals sacrifices of sentient beings such as lambs, goats, turkeys, pigs, cows, in the NAME of RELIGIOUS and IMPORTANT CELEBRATIONS such as EASTER, CHRISTMAS, THANKSGIVING, NEW YEARS, they’ve been purposely created for these very 2 reasons above.
IMAGINE the quantities of TERROR based energies released AT ONCE by BILLIONS of sentient beings getting slaughtered against their FREE WILL TO LIVE AND LOVE in peace and harmony, just like we need and want, juuuust conveniently AROUND AND DURING the so called religious, national and international holidays and events.
Most certainly, NOT the Divine Loving Light Beings that we and animals and the Planet are.
Too too many righteous Christians ardently and almost aggressively defend their GOD GIVEN and Jesus Christ approved rights to partake in the slaughtering and consumption of MILLIONS upon MILLIONS, year after year, Easter after Christmas after Thanksgiving, SENTIENT LOVING, GOD CREATED, INNOCENT, DEFENSELESS, GENTLE LAMBS, CHICKENS, TURKEYS AND PIGS around the CHRISTIAN holidays.
And too too many righteous Muslims ardently defend their GOD GIVEN rights to slaughter MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of SENTIENT, MOST BEAUTIFUL, GOD CREATED LOVING, PRECIOUS, INNOCENT, DEFENSELESS, GENTLE LAMBS and SHEEP.
And too too many SPIRITUAL SEEKERS AND TEACHERS AND HEALERS continue to believe that IT IS ALRIGHT to consume and kill sentient beings, all the while, ardently and earnestly pursuing that PATH OF ILLUMINATION, ASCENSION, DIVINE SELF REALIZATION, and HEALING themselves and others, ceaselessly searching for better and better ways to HEAL and create PEACE, while turning a blind eye to the very foundation of ALL of our problems and suffering.
And too too many TRUTHERS are fighting against human enslavement and injustice while continuing to be a very big part of the human enslavement and injustice of other billions of equally Divine created living breathing loving beings.
It's very simple...IT'S A SPIRITUAL CONFLICT...
on one hand we pursue FREEDOM for OURSELVES, yet we waste our time by fighting in vain, because through our lack of participation in UNITY FOR FREEDOM FOR ALL GOD'S CREATURES, we feed the very enemy we are battling!
Now think about those “humans”, or the non humans species, with their "enhanced intellect" and their endless reasons for killing each other and all life around them, imprisoning each other and claiming ownership over the planet that they've only been graciously allowed as GUESTS and instead, took over and destroyed most of it...kidnapping each other for murder, ransom and despicable actions, as well as taking animals from their natural habitat and place them in LABS for CHEMICAL and RADIATION experiments, in small, confined spaced ZOOS and CIRCUSES AND MARINE PARKS for "entertainment" as RESOURCE for FOOD, CLOTHING, MONEY or simply for the pleasure of killing.
As long as humanity continues to live in a suspended amnesic state of heart and mind and to play the regressed in consciousness beings’ game, no amount of HEALING will ever get through, no matter what is called or how is done. The vicious circle will always repeat.
We can temporary go after the EFFECTS of our cause problems by temporary and slightly undoing the SURFACE of our effects/symptoms, such as fear and dis-ease, but, as long as we are playing the same game, the deep root cause of our problems will continue as a merry go round.
Too many beautiful souls have fallen prey to this eons old programming. The natives, the island people, who truly feel that they can BETTER connect with LIFE SOURCE by TAKING animals lives and wearing their feathers and using their body parts and consuming the animal flesh as food in order to “access” universal Divine wisdom, stored in the animal’s body while using ritual prayers of forgiveness before and after the killing, have forgotten that the very same UNIVERSAL WISDOM, stored in a buffalo body is readily available, permeating every atom, both WITHIN and WITHOUT...
that same UNIVERSAL WISDOM is already within each of us, readily to be remembered and accessed when our communicating channels with our Higher selves are being all cleared up from LOW VIBRATION FREQUENCIES caused by the above very reasons.
Humans have used ANY possible excuse to take lives of others: spiritual, religious, survival, political
Directly or indirectly
By DOING or NOT doing
By actively being involved or simply taking a PASSIVE, NON reaction, feelings suppression attitude
The time has come to awaken from our very long and deep trauma based amnesia and nightmare, and see the bigger picture, take individual and collective responsibility for ourselves, our children, our families, help, educate and heal ourselves and one another, way beyond, extending towards all plant, animal kingdoms, with mother Earth and beyond.
New Galactic energies are permeating every atom of our bodies and every particle of our souls, renewing, healing, energizing and upgrading us from our DNA levels and up. We no longer need low vibratory dead matter to feed our new forming DNA upgrading bodies. Photons, life based SUPERFOODS such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds is what we need from here on.
Thankfully, the VAST majority of animals occupying Mother Earth are HERBIVORS...and a good% of human population doesn't consume meat... the role of ALL life here is to serve as energy rods between Mother Earth's 3D BODY AND HIGHER DIMENSIONS, in order to ANCHOR higher realms frequencies and to help RAISE Mother Earth's frequencies to such high state, where she will be able to RETURN to her CRYSTALLINE ORIGINAL state, before the collision with part of planet Maldek, which took place, unspoken millenia ago, after which she became ROCKY.
Underneath the rocky shields, within Mother Earth there are her CRYSTAL layers, shedding and peeling off her outer rocky layers through high frequency vibrations emanating through CONSCIOUSNESS in minerals, plants, animals and humans. Our SOLE purpose and role here is to MAINTAIN the planetary frequencies at an all time high at ALL TIMES and to assist the planet return to her ORIGINAL crystalline state!
Part of this process, there is another very important interrelated task, Earth inhabiting souls have come here for and are being invited to:
No wonder, with the powers TO HAVE BEEN, so much has been invested for tens of thousands of years, as the planet has been taken hostage, into KEEPING HER FREQUENCIES EXTREMELY LOW, through WARS, FAMINE, DIS-EASE, DESTRUCTION, among humans and in how humans treat Mother Earth's other children, OUR equally Divine created brothers and sisters, the ANIMALS.
Once we are reminded of this inner knowing and we are awakening, we can fully be well on our way to higher realms from where each of us have projected here, to do just this kind of spiritual work and mission. Living in total peace, love, harmony and joy with all other life forms is what we came here for...thus helping through our collective consciousness to raise planetary frequency and help the Ascension process, which was prevented for too long.
Recommending each other "ethical" organic raised "meat" vs. industrial farming methods raised "meat" partially resolves the RAISING part our beloved animals issue in our world. However, make no mistake and know that there's no LOVING way to take a life and we're still karmically, spiritually responsible for our deeds.
The only way consuming flesh would become spiritually ethical is by giving grace and gratitude to the soul of an animal who has departed ON HIS OWN terms, in NATURAL time and FREE WILL from his body, accepting his body as a sacred gift.
It's being known among Native Indians that they respectfully and through special ceremony take the life of a buffalo in order to ingest Universal wisdom and knowledge stored in the buffalo's bodily flesh. When learning this, one can't help but wondering: can't humans access their own bodily flesh and auric field stored Universal wisdom or gathering it through our own spiritual vessels and connection to our Higher Self, for whatever wisdom lies in the buffalo and in the trees, is Infinitely abundant and available both WITHIN and WITHOUT, inside and outside ourselves, permeating every atom in the Universe?
Whatever the reason, what is considered being "ethical", spiritual or not, when will humanity start using its own Infinite, INNATE resources and stop depending on OUTSIDE of ourselves sources, for it?
Everything in the Universe evolves.
Our OLD bodies with their OLD DNA's were unnaturally adapted to a meat based diet, since we were never designed to begin with, to consume meat.
Our NEW bodies with their NEW, upgrading DNA require no longer animal source based PROTEIN and instead are ready to convert to PLANT BASED PROTEIN as we speak.
Our PHYSICAL bodies receive constant increased frequencies for a reason.
The old, low, TRANSFORMING, heavier, dense vibratory frequencies connected with meat and animal based products no longer serve our NEW biological selves and the time to move on to LIGHTER, HIGHER FREQUENCIES LIVE foods has come.
Let us look around... WHAT animal species are MORE AGGRESSIVE and which ones are MELLOW and PEACEFUL?
Evidently, the MEAT eating species attack (for food) while the herbivores are peacefully minding their own lives, with ZERO aggressiveness.
Consuming “foods” altered by FEAR energies through the adrenaline released shock waves of energy at the moment of slaughter and in the anticipation of it, this terror filled blueprint energy, stays within your system indefinitely and affects your thoughts, emotions, feelings and actions...THUS YOUR VERY DESTINY and of the world around you is being shaped by such energies!
For those who are saying: "certain meats, from animals that eat natural diets, such as grass-fed lamb and beef, deep water ocean fish like wild Salmon and Cod, eaten in moderation, are very nourishing", consider the irony:
Since if it's NOURISHMENT that we're looking for, why don't we EAT WHAT THE ANIMALS WE EAT ARE EATING? Like LOTS OF GREENS (organic of course), SEE WEED, etc...why don't people eat meat from carnivorous animals?
And why is the focus on animals that don't eat meat? Because NONE of us were supposed to eat meat.
Once upon a time, Earth was inhabited by highly advanced civilizations, who controlled their modes of transportation with their thoughts and were able to teleport AT WILL, USING THEIR PHYSICAL BODIES, dematerializing and traveling freely throughout the entire Galaxy and beyond, when humans and animals lived side by side, in peace and with no killing.
Atlanteans and Lemurians lived in perfect harmony with ALL life on our planet, before the dark forces infiltrated the collective consciousness.
Once the Earth got taken over by the dark forces, everything changed and gradually, over a long time, our TRUE fall from grace started and a large part of humanity became worse than the animals who are now killing other animals, because humans now kill for endless other reasons, not only "for food" and it all goes back to the violent COLLECTIVE mindset of good people and good souls accepting killing as the norm...
Higher purpose and SPIRITUAL LIVING will ultimately be attained by living in perfect harmony, non violence towards ALL God's creatures.
Things are changing now, an amazing opportunity is being offered to all, to uplift ourselves from the old paradigm and merge with the New Earth into a 5D harmonic, loving existence, with NEW, upgraded DNA, bodies and energies, no longer DEPENDENT on meat...the NEW humans merging with Mother Gaia into her NEW 5D HOME, will leave the meat eating behind.
As for the rest of us, who still feel dependent on 3D "FOOD", such as meat from killed creatures, their wish, as always, is being respected by our generous Creator and everyone remains free to live in and co-create a world of their choosing.
Meat eating WAS part of our humanity.
The OLD human types are NOW EVOLVING into NEW type of HUMANS which are non violent, peace loving, with our ESP senses being REactivated and entering what all prophecies referred to as ASCENSION.
2012 is the official entering through the PHOTON belt of our New Earth which is also EXPANDING and growing BRAND NEW species of grains and plants for our NEW BODIES in transforming from our 2 strand DNA, being upgraded to a 12 STRAND DNA.
So, the TYPE of PROTEIN our OLD bodies were used to, no longer serves our NEW transforming bodies.
For those of us who wish a PEACEFUL world and we strive towards accomplishing it, we need to spiritually mature and realize that a world where BILLIONS of souls SUFFER every day and every minute through brutal, cruelty methods, then go ahead and consume that toxic, fear, adrenaline and terror filled energy transmitted through "food" and claiming is all good, such PEACE ON EARTH we so much desire, will never be attained and EXPERIENCED.
Violence from HUMANS towards any other ANIMAL is being transmitted on a quantum level to everyone else and imprinted into our subconscious and conscious thus, breading VIOLENCE from HUMANS TO HUMANS, thus causing perpetual wars is becoming a constant and a vicious circle of violence continue to keep humanity trapped in its own blindness and apathy!
Those PEACE and FREEDOM militants who either directly or indirectly, by consumption and lack of at least intent, towards positive change and action, participate as accomplice in the taking other lives for “food”, entertainment, clothes and shoes they'll just have to be satisfied with the same type of world where WARS and poverty and dis-ease and corruption will continue to exist instead.
In a never ending vicious circle, having to settle, through karmic Universal laws for average or below average survival instead of happy and healthy living.
The VIOLENCE in the OLD world starts with how HUMANS treat OTHER SPECIES, and then go onto their fellow HUMANS!
No one owns any other Living Being’s LIFE and humans are not exception, thus, claiming OWNERSHIP over “LIVESTOCK” and other Creatures as RESOURCE of endless uses is not a right or entitlement!
We ALL are here on borrowed time, on this beautiful, all loving and endlessly compassionate planet we call Mother Earth, humans and endless other creatures side by side, to experience LIFE not DEATH, through growing together, learning from each other and help/love one another as well as doing ENERGY WORK together FOR CREATION.
Many who first go vegetarians don't have the right tools to do it the RIGHT, healthy way!
Our bodies are extremely smart the way they've been designed, HIGHLY adaptable to ALMOST ANY FOOD that's why when we eat meat, dairy and eggs plus other toxins filled foods, we THINK we are OK, for lack of comparison to a healthier state of being, but we can't be, if we put in our LIVE bodies TOXIC, DEAD FOOD, without any single trace of nutrient. Cancer cells FEED OFF DEAD TISSUE. MEAT is DEAD tissue! Meat and cheese cause cancer! Many scientifical based related informative video clips are in this blog.
Try to take a piece of meat (raw or cooked) and look at it through a microscope... you'll be terrified to see what people actually EAT.
There's the right way to go VEG RAW, or the uninformed way.
It’s quite simple to understand how it all works…think for a minute:
FRUITS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES, SEEDS, GRAINS, NUTS, HERBS are 100% natural, Uncooked FOOD, produced and freely offered by Mother Earth to feed ALL of her children, not only humans.
Such foods, they are seasonal, meaning they are born and attain maturity over a season. Then, once overly ripen, they SIMPLY FALL OFF on the ground, decomposing and going back into the soil from where they came. Whether or not they are CONSUMED, they decompose as organic matter all over again.
Next year, Mother Earth grows NEW FRUITS, VEGETABLES, LEGUMES, SEEDS, GRAINS, NUTS for us to FEED our physical bodies.
Such FOOD is being FREELY OFFERED to us by our Creator through Mother Earth.
Unlike with animals, which are NOT NATURAL FOOD, it cannot be consumed RAW, it needs to be COOKED AND MANY SPICES are being used to CHANGE the bad original taste.
SEEDS, GRAINS, NUTS, which are being OFFERED to us, an animal or other creature’s life is being brutally TAKEN from him/her, AGAINST HIS/HER WILL TO LIVE.
Animals DON’T have SEASONAL life spans. They have YEARS AND YEARS LONG life expectancies.
Just like humans, THEY TOO have chosen to come here to experience LIFE not DEATH. They too, just like humans, are SOULS in PHYSICAL bodies, on THEIR OWN spiritual journey and sacred mission, FOR CREATION and THEMSELVES, not AS RESOURCE for humans.
Thus, it is against karmic laws to TAKE one’s life against HIS/HER WILL. “Thou shall not kill” doesn’t start and ends with HUMANS.
Throughout spiritual evolving paths, SOULS take MANY BODY forms in order to experience and express LIFE in its infinite shapes and forms of expression. Regardless of what some religions want us to believe.
Within the last 3-4 years, MILLIONS of people have giving up meat and the global domino effect expands at exponential rate.
-Italy, where meat is being worshiped almost, has now 7 MILLION vegetarians
-in Romania (another meat worshiping nation), 1 MILLION have given up meat
-in the US, the FAST FOOD MECCA, and the WORLD’S LARGEST meat consumer, there are now 10 MILLION non meat eaters and over 200 vegetarian RAW FOOD restaurants being opened within the last 2-3 yrs alone) AND GROWING
MILLIONS upon millions of NEWborns (Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Orchid children) do not touch meat even if you force them to eat it...for they came here on sacred spiritual healing missions for our Mother Earth and they know that when we do Light work, we need to work in and with Love for creation and not destruction.
There's a HUGE RAW FOOD MOVEMENT unfolding and catching global momentum and tons of young people embrace the RAW FOOD LIFESTYLE, which becomes quite trendy and hip!
Lots of PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES, BODY BUILDERS not only go vegetarian but they go VEGAN RAW, which seems to be THE WAY to do it, RIGHT FROM THE START.
Our special global project, offers a unique, complete educational plan about how using ALKALINE IONIZED WATER, PROPER NUTRITION and ENERGY MEDICINE/self care wellness healing tools can help us attain maximum potential wellness levels. Our mission is to raise awareness as well as to help various organizations worldwide, for underprivileged and sick children, elderly and animals, experience freedom from pain and suffering.
Through this project, a special section is dedicated to share what we've collected over the internet about how we can embrace a healthy and compassionate lifestyle SOLUTION, with cutting edge new info, videos and methods suggestions, available for those who feel their time to give up the old ways has come but either had a bad experience prior while attempting it or don't know how to do it.
For those who still life in the OLD WORLD we now leave behind for others to experience, no one has the magic pill because it will ultimately have to come from WITHIN, for is a SPIRITUAL decision and inspiration...and it should really come from the very fabric of CONSCIOUSNESS and where exactly on our spiritual path we are at any moment...
Mother Earth is a LIVING, BREATHING, THINKING, FEELING, ALIVE, LOVING BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION, EXTREMELY ADVANCED, OLD SOUL who has tolerated so much pain, calamities, catastrophes, THOUSANDS of wars, and so so much negativity from her past and current root races and her visitors.
The SPIRITUAL aspect and IMPLICATIONS of our actions (quoted text from other sources)
Animals are terribly misunderstood on the planet. Although each species arrived here from many different places off-world, in the beginning times it was only the indigenous people around the world who knew how to honor the animal Spirits.
Unfortunately today in many of these cultures, although the elders still do honor the “Animal Totems,” many of the younger generations have forgotten or simply choose not to because they have become caught up in mainline life. So as usual the animals suffer. Although back when the Illuminati and their minion first began turning one species of animal against another, it was then that the fear of certain animal types swept over the populaces around the world. Many animals became meat eaters and humans were on the diet.
Early day Star Keeper forces, when arriving here on the planet, taught the people of the sanctity of the Spirit of the animal. This knowledge had been lost throughout the ensuing millennia. The ancient ones from long ago of all different tribes around the world did however work painstakingly to rekindle the belief, the old knowledge and wisdom about the animal world. Of course that only works if someone is listening.
What is important about this today? EVERYTHING! The time has arrived for people not only to make peace with the animal world, regardless of what species it is, but to understand that they too are evolving. They are teleforming. Some people actually realize that every PERSON has Gatekeepers and Spirit Guides.
They even know that whatever planet of origin they are born into, they realize they have Overseers from their home planet to watch over them and protect them whenever possible. But somehow, the people have not been schooled in the fact that each animal species has an “Animal Spirit Overseer.” This lack of knowledge would be ludicrous if it were not so serious. Each animal species has the equivalent of a “Master Teacher.” I always call upon the Spirit of the Animal when I am speaking with animals or need some extra help in persuading an animal about some behavior modification it needs to change, an attitude, or a direction of its mind thought.
Animals that are or have been physically abused by people have a unique way of storing that abuse in their minds. Oftentimes I will encounter an animal that shows me clearly a picture or image of someone it had once been aligned with. I saw that the person ranted and raged against the animal for things that other people had done to that person. Then sometimes many lifetimes later, that animal will choose to rebirth, slightly altered, and seek out the individual it had once known.
It is then that things become interesting. If the individual has not changed, he or she may discover that the animal has undercurrents of hostility against them. Usually a stage of siege exists between them until one or the other, either animal or human, forgives the other or punishes the other. Other animals that were beloved “pets,” although I do dislike that term, can choose to once again rebirth as well and locate the people they cherished so much.
Everyone can speak with their pets; the pets will telepath messages back to the owners. The only problem is if the person IS NOT HEARING CLEARLY, then he or she will not know what the message is. You can speak verbally or non-verbally with them; do not be surprised if your pet tries to get your attention first, then communicates with you. You see animals, no matter how busy their minds, always have a clear channel because they do NOT think. Rather, they KNOW! An animal of any species can communicate with another of its kind anywhere in the world. You could learn a lot from an animal.
Animals are so wise, so loving and yet ask for so little.
They too are “God in physical manifestation.”
Transcript taken from http://www.bluestarspeaks.com/chronicles17.htm
Quoted text:
Research has proven that healthy bodies vibrate at 60 MHz or higher. (Yes, they can finally measure it!) At lower frequencies, dis-eases can manifest and a person can experience struggle, illness, accidents, victimhood, anger, shame, guilt, feeling separated from Creator - the list goes on.
At high frequency, a person can experience joy, happiness, balance, unconditional love, feeling a part of all things (Creator). Synchronicity and the ability to manifest what you desire are greatly increased at a higher frequency.
In our pursuit of "enlightenment" (becoming lighter), what we are trying to achieve is an incredibly high frequency, which we are able to maintain. There are numerous methods for increasing frequency.
Unfortunately, if lifestyle, beliefs, fears, and judgments don't change, the higher frequency can't be maintained. The point of high frequency isn't just for personal transformation.
Holding a high vibration and radiating love (unconditional, non-judgmental) raises the consciousness of all those you touch with your energy field. A few of the things that lower frequency and keep you stuck where you are include: heavy, processed, and junk foods; negative words, thoughts, actions, and feelings; negative people and situations; artificial synthesized materials such as fluorescent lights, synthetic fabrics, synthetic foods, vitamins, and medicines; working at a job you hate; and mainstream radio, television, and newspapers - particularly the news.
Try to avoid the above as much as possible. Once you've raised your vibration, you can later go back to these things and they will not affect you to the same degree. However, the time away from negativity, in order to gather your energy and achieve raising frequency, isn't just a weekend in silence and then returning to your same old lifestyle on Monday.
Increasing frequency requires commitment, dedication, and effort over an extended period of time. Being around negativity lowers the vibration or frequency. The person who has worked on themselves and raised their vibration and increased frequency goes out into the workplace, the mall, etc. and people of lower frequency suck their energy.
The negativity of the thoughts and conversations those people are having and the electromagnetic radiation (EMF's) from TV and computer screens, fluorescent and halogen lights, is energetically draining. A person's energy can become so refined and sensitive that they literally can't handle being around "normal" people or crowds.
It's exhausting and it affects their health and energy level. Anyone can go off to the mountains, the desert, an island, and hang out only with people that have similar beliefs and frequencies, and have a life full of joy, love, and grand spiritual / meditational experiences. The trick is to learn how to maintain your higher vibration and continue to live and function in the real world.
So how do we make the transition? How can we go back into the world, shine our light brightly, and not be drained? That's a big leap. It's hard for many people to move past the draining effects of negativity. The great ones, however, learn to stay centered, pour forth love, and not become so drained they can't continue.
For example, Christ spent time with his disciples who had a lower frequency than his but not as low as the general public. However, he also healed the sick, spent time with the poor, dealt with the politicians, and taught to crowds. The scriptures say he went into the desert alone. Like all of us, he was increasing frequency and maintaining balance through fasting, silence, time alone in nature, and meditation/prayer.
Many physicians and healers, such as Deepak Chopra, M.D., Caroline Myss, Bernie Siegel, M.D., Louise Hay, and Christine Northrup, M.D. agree that almost all dis-ease is based on negative emotions and beliefs (unhealed past trauma). The only way to keep the body vibrating high is to heal the past trauma, eliminate limiting beliefs and lead a healthy physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lifestyle. When really high frequency (harmonic, not chaotic like electricity) is introduced, the negative (low frequency) stuff must surface. And then it can be healed. Source: http://www.spiritofnature.org/Increasing-frequency.htm
Messages from Higher Realms about our Animals companions! (Quoted text)
Animals are sharing your planet with you because, just like you, they have chosen to come here to have a third-dimensional experience.
They have also come as helpers and teachers to assist mankind in ways you do not yet understand. Because they chose to come in a body that is different than yours, it does not make them inferior to you. Even if they were, there is no moral and spiritual justification for the way so many animals are presently being treated on the Earth's surface. Their bodies are just an overtone lower than yours in your third-dimensional expression.
Let's be clear on that. There is not the difference you have been led to believe for so very long. Many humans on the surface have used this excuse as a passport for animal exploitation.
In your limited understanding, you have allowed yourself to see many species of animals become commodities for selfish means or for profit. We say this is not what or who they are. The golden rule needs to be applied for all sentient beings, not just for the human kingdom.
If you wish to move forward on the platform of your own evolution, you can achieve it only by according unconditional love in words, thoughts, feelings and deeds toward all life forms and all kingdoms living on this planet.
Love is the only key.
Animals embody again and again, just like you do. Their embodiments are always extensions of a much larger whole. All of us, including the animals, are extensions of a vast Being of Light, so vast and so wondrous, that you will stand in absolute wonderment the day you open up to the understanding of your true Divinity. It is referred to as the concept of multi-dimensionality, a concept that remains very difficult to be fully comprehended by the limitations of a third-dimensional mind.
God in his great Love and Nature of constantly creating is forever extending and expanding Himself in a wider and wider spectrum of various manifestations. The animal kingdom is just one among many of these infinite expansions. All are part of God, dear ones, ALL. When you allow yourself to hurt one part of Life (God) you are hurting the whole, including yourself.
On the Inner Planes, all animals have great intelligence, and they are very different than you could ever imagine in your current awareness. Some of them rule worlds and planets. Animals live in many dimensions.
All animals have an over-soul or a higher-self just like all humans do, but it is of a slightly different nature. The difference is that they are created to be part of another kingdom than you are. Thus, they are also extensions of a much larger body of consciousness, another aspect of Divinity.
In creation and in the Higher Realms, there is no such thing as lesser, lower, better than, not so good as, etc. These are all labels of limited human awareness. All are equally loved, and considered as expressions of God in constant motion (evolution). There is a difference between you and the animals, but it is not what you have been led to believe.
As spiritual beings we have much respect for animals and we consider them as our younger brothers and sisters on the ladder of evolution. We treat them with the same consideration we would like to receive for ourselves.
Let's say that in a human family, for example, there are 10 children. Would you say that the younger ones are inferior to the older ones just because they have less life experience, and do not yet know as much as the older ones?
Would you say that the younger ones are not deserving to be treated with as much love and consideration because they were born later than you and can be rightfully abused, just because they are not yet as developed as the older ones?
I would think not, because you know very well that in a few years they will catch up.
So it is, my friends, with the animals. In the hierarchy or family of the body of the One God, the animals who share our planet are the younger members. It is my expectation that you will understand the point I am trying to make. Everything in creation has consciousness, from the greatest to the smallest. Ultimately, all are considered equal.
END of https://mslpublishing.com/index.html via CHANNELINGS “ANIMALS IN TELOS” link peace on Earth that so many of us proudly declare we work to attain, will never become our experience if we continue to kill other creatures, no matter what the excuse...or "reason"
The world is changing and millions go VEG because they've come to understand that no matter what SHAPE of BODY or life form a soul may take at any given time during the eternal existence we all embark on, in reality, each of those souls, including the ones in TASTY BODIES we "ENJOY" so much, are made of ONE source which is Energy, Love and Light...
Instead they cowardly use disguising outfits and guns, hiding behind trees
We never needed to kill for food, other beings, let alone, using “hunting” and other barbaric practices as SPORTS…are we then, to claim “superiority” over other life forms? How so?
We owe it to this planet and her children and all other life forms. We owe it to the animals, for a long time to come: the flesh, the fur, the feathers, the skin…the trees, the waters, the mining…
We’ve been unnecessarily using and abusing this beautiful planet and all other life forms for a myriad of reasons.
The HEALTH, the PEACE and the SPIRITUAL reasons
WHAT will it happen to an apple/carrot/potato, lettuce, onion/the seeds/grains/nuts/ that are not PICKED and consumed? what is the natural LIFEspan of any of these foods?...as you find the answer then ask yourselves again: WHAT will happen to a COW, CHICKEN, TURKEY, LAMB, GOAT, HORSE if THEY ARE NOT KILLED by their "humans" "care" takers or "care" givers...WHAT would IT happen, SHOULD they be ALLOWED (as created/designed) to LIVE? and WHERE, HOW would their lives really be like, OUTSIDE of "farms", be it private or industrial?...
What will it happen to an apple/carrot/lettuce/potato/onion... the seeds, nuts, grains that are not PICKED and consumed? And if we do pick it, will the TREE or the plant offering this food to us also DIES after its fruit/vegetable/seed/grain/nut has been picked up, or does it survive into its NEXT year, bearing more fruit?
What is the NATURAL life span of any of these foods? YEAR AFTER YEAR long lives or SEASONAL? Where do they go if no one picks and eats them?
What will it happen to a COW, CALF, CHICKEN, TURKEY, LAMB, PIG, GOAT, HORSE if they are not killed by their “human” “care” takers? What would it happen, should they be left alone to live their Divinely designed inherited FREE WILLED LIVES?
Where, how would their lives really be like, OUTSIDE of farms, be it private or industrial? How many years are the life spans of these beings? And what would it be like if these YEARS LONG life spans wouldn’t be interrupted short, in violation of THEIR FREE WILL and the WILL TO LIVE?
For those who feel compelled to make a difference in your community, check out the WPD facilitator course
There is a bridge connecting heaven and earth
It is called Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows,
Hills, valleys with lush green grass
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this special place
There is always food and water and warm spring weather
The old and frail are young again
Those who are maimed are made whole again
They play all day with each other
There is only one thing missing
They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth
So each day they run and play until the day comes
when one suddenly stops playing and looks up !
The nose twitches !
The ears are up !
The eyes are staring !
And this one suddenly runs from the group !
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet,
you take him or her into your arms and embrace
your face is kissed again and again,
and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated
Author Unknown"