
joi, 22 decembrie 2011

Science and Health


'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food'
Hippocrates, father of modern medicine    

http://www.pcrm.org/ 6,000 Physicians for responsible medicine organization

"The leading causes of death in the Western world—heart disease, cancer, and stroke—can often be prevented and even treated—with proper dietary and lifestyle changes. Explore nutrition’s role in combating specific illnesses, including Alzheimer's disease, arthritis, cancer, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, endometriosis, foodborne illness, heart disease, high blood pressure, mad cow disease, migraines, Parkinson's disease, prostate problems, premenstrual pain and PMS, and stroke by following a vegan diet." ~ Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine http://www.pcrm.org/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQNNX2Oo7Kk Processed People - Promo trailer #1

Joel Fuhrman MD: Nearly Everyone Gets Cancer

Dr. Jay Gordon: No one needs meat for health

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XIMotCQ1MY Joel Fuhrman MD: Curing with the vegan diet

Alanis Morissette's Weight Loss Success with "Eat To Live" by Dr. Fuhrman

Joel Fuhrman, MD w/ Mehmet Oz, M.D. - health / weightloss

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Vv0pWiWp0 Dr Oz forks over knives
Cornell University professor T. Colin Campbell Phd: Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer

The China Study

The China Study 02 of 14 ( Vegan Vegetarian Health Benefits / Lose Weight )
Q&A with T. Colin Campbell PdD, Author of The China Study

Joel Fuhrman MD: Nearly Everyone Gets Cancer

Dr. Jay Gordon: No one needs meat for health

http://www.vegsource.com/news/2011/03/chickens-are-capable-of-feeling-empathy-scientists-believe.html Chickens are capable of feeling empathy, scientists believe - Vegsource.com

72 Year-Old Man Raw Vegan Body Building Every Day

Mimi Kirk -

Mimi Kirk on "The Doctors"

Russian Scientists Test Raw Foodist Markus Rothkranz

· its hard to sift through the propaganda. Meat industry is LARGE and run by only a few families really. They will do anything to protect their "golden goose"


http://www.peta.org/features/adorable-vegan-babies-photos.aspx?c=weekly_enews Adorable Vegan Babies (Photos) PETA.org

Say Goodbye to Diabetes and CANCER with Plant-based Diet (VIDEO)  

Bill Clinton's Vegan Diet: CNN Last Heart Attack, Sanjay Gupta, M.D. (Video)

McDougall Newsletter: November 2011 - Why Did Steve Jobs Die?http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2011nl/nov/jobs.htm

Eating Meat Kills More People Than Previously Thought


Former Buffalo Bill Battles Heart Disease | wgrz.com
Adam Lingner, former Buffalo Bill player from 1987 until his retirement in 1995, had been diagnosed with a clogged artery putting him at risk of a heart attack. Following his stent procedure, Lingner decided to keep his arteries clean by following the plant-based diet recommended by Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn. To read the article and watch the video please visit 

'Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food'
Hippocrates, father of modern medicine    

 He also taught that the body was self-healing and would cure itself. The best medicine was therefore comforting, that of reducing pain and suffering and nothing more.
 He was ahead of his time in the ability to understand the need for a cheerful environment. (HOSPITALS are FAR from cheerful)  Realizing that a happy patient healed much faster then one who was unhappy. He encouraged those learning from him to put everything into their work, to be diligent and honorable in all they did. This philosophy led to what is called the ‘Hippocratic Oath’, which is still practiced by many of today’s doctors in varied forms. Although its origins are debated, Hippocrates is given credit for it. It is an ethical oath that states a requirement by any new physician to uphold ethical standards in the profession and was originally to swear on the gods of healing to do so. Do no harm was the overall motto and most doctors still abide by that today. (unknowingly, even the good doctors are causing suffering due to the way how the system works/overmedication, lack of nutritional advice and not mentioning about what Hippocrates said: "that the body was self-healing and would cure itself."

This Week’s Video

Justice, a remarkable nine-year-old vegan from birth, talks about his life and his relationship with animals and food. Please visit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdXbwFO3LT8

ROCKIN’ with the VEGAN firefighter, son of famous DR. ESSELSTYN

Secrets To Preventing Osteoporosis

Foods you eat now that are aging you.

What's the Healthiest Diet?

Why Medical Professionals - Doctors - Prescribe The Vegan Diet

Vegetarians Were Right All Along

Earlier this month, a study published in the American Medical Association’s Archives of Internal Medicine, indicated that implanting stents to stretch open cholesterol-clogged arteries in people with stable coronary artery disease was useless or worse. Seemingly, the most effective way to prevent and reverse this clogging is diet. Dr. William Roberts, editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Cardiology said, “For the build-up of plaque in our arteries to cease, it appears that the serum total cholesterol needs to be lowered to the 150 area. In other words the serum total cholesterol must be lowered to that of the average pure vegetarian. Because relatively few persons are willing to abide by the vegetarian lifestyle, lipid-lowering drugs are required in most to reach the 150 level.” Please visit Stent or Prevent? Ending Heart Disease

A plant-based diet has been found to prevent and reverse most of the chronic diseases that plague our society.  Still, most people are willing to subject themselves to the side-effects of drugs instead of changing their diet. We must remember that being good stewards of our bodies, temples of the Holy Spirit, means to treat our bodies with respect and reverence. A plant-based diet helps us do exactly that.

Red meat deadly

Dairy Products Do Not Promote Bone Health

 Effects Of Animal Fats On The Human Body! Is Meat Necessary? Part 1 

            via Don Robertson
"Eat Right for Your Type...contains just enough scientific sounding nonsense... to actually seem convincing to the uninitiated...D'Adamo has pieced together the outrageous hypothesis that blood type determines which foods an individual should or should not eat...Browsing through what at first glance appears to be a fairly impressive list of references, we found none that seem to support a connection between diet and blood type...He could just as easily have chosen to link food with eye color – and have been no further off target..."
- Frederick J. Stare, MD, Founder and former Chairman of Nutrition Department at Harvard School of Public Health
Norman Scrimshaw Dr Michael Klaper has a good article on Dr Adamo's diet as well as "The Zone" diet which exposes the bad science in both of them. http://www.vegsource.com/klaper/diet5.htm
It's crazy how people will read one book and choose to make it their dietary bible.

Another great resource on a popular diet myth comes from Dr Greger. He generously offers a whole book online debunking Dr Atkins. For a paperback version of his book order "Carbophobia" from this website. Love the Title. http://www.atkinsexposed.org/atkins/1/Atkins.htm



"No chemical carcinogen is nearly so important in causing human cancer as animal protein." - T. Colin Campbell, PhD - Dr. Campbell, nutritional biochemist from Cornell University, was lead scientist in the China Health Study, the most comprehensive large research project ever completed on the relationship between diet and disease. Dr. Campbell sees cow milk proteins as especially troublesome. http://www.tcolincampbell.org/

We consume twice as much protein as we need when we eat a meat-based diet, and this contributes to osteoporosis and kidney stones. Animal protein raises the acid level in our blood, causing calcium to be excreted from the bones to restore t...he blood's natural pH balance. This calcium depletion leads to osteoporosis, and the excreted calcium ends up in the kidneys, where it can form kidney stones or even trigger kidney disease.

Consuming animal protein has also been linked to cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, and pancreas. According to Dr. T. Colin Campbell, the director of the Cornell-China-Oxford Project on Nutrition, Health, and the Environment, "In the next ten years, one of the things you're bound to hear is that animal protein … is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered."

Eating meat can also have negative consequences for stamina and sexual potency. One Danish study indicated that "Men peddling on a stationary bicycle until muscle failure lasted an average of 114 minutes on a mixed meat and vegetable diet, 57 minutes on a high-meat diet, and a whopping 167 minutes on a strict Vegan diet." Besides having increased physical endurance, Vegan men are also less likely to suffer from impotence.

Chocolate, Cheese, Meat, and Sugar -- Physically Addictive

"There is virtually no evidence that drinking two or three glasses of milk a day reduces the chances of breaking a bone." - Walter C. Willet, MD - Chairman of the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health.

The central message of this extraordinary book is to consume whole foods in the context of a plant-based diet. You will greatly decrease the likelihood that you will die prematurely from the "diseases of affluence" that ravage our society, including cancer, heart failure, obesity and diabetes.

This is a diet lifestyle that makes eminent sense and is in accord with what we may surmise was the natural diet of our ancestors in the prehistory before the rise of agriculture and animal husbandry. Campbell shows through intensive and wide-ranging studies, in particular through evidence from the "China Study: the most comprehensive study of health and nutrition ever conducted," that it is a diet that will prevent and even reverse disease.

Campbell is no pie-in-the-sky visionary or nutritional quack with a bogus agenda, nor is he an animal rights activist trying to find justification for his concerns. He is a bonafide mainstream scientist with forty years of experience who is currently Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. Furthermore, he grew up on a farm, and prior to his learning about the effect diet can have on human health, he ate a more or less traditional American diet heavy on the meat, milk, fat, refined sugars and starches.

I have been reading books on nutrition and diet for decades. I have seen food fads come and go, and I have seen the rise of the supersize in which McDonald's and other large corporations have seduced the many cultures into eating not only foods that are bad for them, but lured them into eating (and drinking) them in large quantities. As a result Americans for example, have become among the fattest people on the planet with something like two-thirds of the population overweight and one-third obese. Part of this is due to lack of exercise, but a significant part is due to eating too much. But Campbell believes that it isn't just how much we are eating, it is what we are eating. He maintains that eating exclusively from a whole foods, plant-based diet and maintaining an otherwise healthy lifestyle, we can eat as much as we like and not only keep trim but avoid the terrible diseases of affluence that haunt our society.

What is different about Campbell's book is first the enormous amount of scientific evidence he presents, and second the idea that eating not just fats and overly processed foods is bad for you, but that eating too much protein, especially animal protein, is correlated with the scourges of diabetes, cancer and heart failure. Animal protein consumption in conjunction with various carcinogens in the environment causes cancer, to put it bluntly, is his message. This surprising finding is supported by Campbell's discovery that the effect of the carcinogen aflatoxin is almost completely negated when a low protein diet is followed. In particular, his research targets casein, protein from cow's milk, as contributing to the formation of cancerous tumors. He believes that consuming diary products on a regular basis is dangerous to your health.

All told, this is without doubt the best book on nutrition, diet, and health that I have ever read, and believe me, I've read a few over the years. The arguments presented, over and above the very persuasive evidence, are compelling. One of the things I like to do when evaluating opposing views on what is good for human beings is to ask myself how was it in the prehistory? What sort of diet did humans become adapted to over the millennia? It was only about 10,000 years ago that animal husbandry began; in other words, it's only been about 10,000 years since any people have depended on milk as a food. Furthermore, although prehistoric humans were hunters and scavengers, it is clear that the bulk of their diet came from gathering plant sources. Even when they did slay an animal, that animal's flesh was lean, not fatty. This is not to say that prehistoric humans did not eat animal flesh. They did. In some cultures animal flesh was the mainstay of the diet. But they are exceptions. Furthermore, the deleterious effects of a diet containing significant amounts of animal products would not have affected prehistoric peoples much since few lived long lives. Today most people (in the Western world at least) will live into their seventies, eighties and nineties. How free from pain and discomfort and how active and healthful they will be for how long will depend to some large measure on what they eat. This is Dr. Campbell's message.  

Questions & Answers 119 Part 1 

Why Vegan? Lessons From An Animal Scientist 

"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will Cure and prevent disease with nutrition." Thomas Edison

The body's natural ability to heal

T Colin Campbell - The China Study - Part 1 - YouTube

China Study author Colin Campbell slaps down critic

Nutrition and depression


Did you know that early sexual maturity in girls significantly increases their risk for developing breast cancer... Recent studies have shown the consumption of animal proteins to be strongly linked to such early development. Dairy products, which now contain higher levels of estrogens and other hormones than ever before (because they come from pregnant cows) are likely a key factor in this trend toward premature development. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rtnm4tw6buU / 

President Clinton's decision to go with a vegan (total plant based) diet was influenced by the amazing work of Cleveland Clinic physician Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who placed 17 patients with severe coronary artery disease on a low fat, plant-based diet. Group members had previously experienced 49 cardiac events, and 5 patients had been given less than a year to live. 23 years later, all were still alive and free of heart disease symptoms. http://www.heartattackproof.com/

Did you know that our protein needs can be easily met without eating animal products... World Health Organization of the UN says we need to get only 5% of our calories (same percentage as in human breast milk) from protein, which is easy to do. Nearly all plant foods contain more than 5% protein, while beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds contain 15-25%, whole grains 8-17%, and soy 50%. Excess protein consumption serves no purpose, and contributes to many health problems, including kidney disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and gout.

"Less than 70 years ago, more than 40 percent of the protein in the American diet came from grains, bread, and cereal. Currently, only 17 percent comes from these sources, along with another 15 percent from legumes, fruits, and vegetables, while two-thirds is from animal products. This trend, also noted in other industrialized Western countries, has been accompanied by a steady increase in heart disease and cancer deaths."
- Charles Attwood, MD –

Challenges to the Plant-Based Diet in the 90's:"The Zone" and "Blood-Type" DIet Fads
by Michael Klaper, M.D.

DEBUNKING the Paleo Diet: The Newest Promoter of Eating the Planet and Its Inhabitants to Death

Did you know that human protein needs are actually quite small... As infants we grew very quickly on a diet (human breast milk) that contains only 5% of its calories as protein. Most Americans today Americans get 15-20% of their calories from proteins, and that contributes to many health problems, including gout, kidney stones and kidney disease, osteoporosis, and all sorts of other problems related to inflammation. In fact, Cornell nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, PhD, who led the most comprehensive large study ever completed on diet and disease (The China Study) is convinced that consumption of animal proteins, especially from cow milk, causes more cancers than does any chemical carcinogen.

Did you know that neither meat nor dairy products contain fiber, which is essential for regularity... So meat, with it's toxins and bacteria and chemical and pharmaceutical residues, may stay in our bodies for 4-5 days before being excreted, and may contribute to a number of health problems, including diverticulosos and colorectal cancer. It's very clear that we need to start eating more and more healthy,
plant-based food choices.

Did you know that medical doctors typically receive little or no training in nutrition... Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, MD, advises us that 68% of mortality in the U.S. is diet related, and that "Your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take." For info and advice on menu planning and smart food choices for prevention and good health, it's often better to consult a registered dietitian or other nutrition professional, especially one whose own diet is plant-based.

Did you know that cardiovascular disease, which is caused almost entirely by diet, is often accountable for a variety of health problems... "Many diseases are caused by compromising the flow of blood to various tissues. Close the arteries to the brain and you have a stroke; to the eye, macular degeneration; to the inner ear, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing), and vertigo (dizziness); to the heart, myocardial infarction; to the kidneys, renal failure; to the leg, gangrene; and to the penis, impotence."
- Thanks to clinical nutritionist John McDougall, MD –

Resolving the Health Care Crisis: T. Colin Campbel at TEDxEast

Michael Greger - very entertaining recent presentation on the powerful health benefits of vegan diets - at Vegetarian Summerfest -

The Truth About the Weston Price Foundation

Reflections on the Weston A. Price Foundation

Did you know that science doesn't support the claim that humans are natural omnivores... World renowned anthropologist Dr. Richard Leakey says the human body is poorly adapted to eating meat. He has concluded that all the great apes, including humans, are essentially herbivores. If our bodies were well-adapted to a diet of animal products, wouldn't we have highly acidic digestive tracts that would allow us to safely eat the bacteria laden, decomposing bodies of animals... and wouldn't we find the sight of raw, bloody flesh exciting instead of repulsive... and wouldn't we have a more natural way of dealing with animal fats and cholesterol than open-heart surgery...

Did you know that the Harvard Nurses Study of 88,000 women found that those who ate beef, lamb, or pork on a daily basis were 2 1/2 times more likely to develop colorectal cancer than those who eat those meats less than once per month... Colorectal cancer is the second most lethal cancer in the US, after cancer of the lung.

Did you know that the USDA advises that the major food borne microorganisms that sicken and kill people – viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi – occur mainly in "meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and eggs"... (Busby and Roberts)

Did you know that a vegetarian diet has been shown to dramatically reduce both the pain and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis... According to the clinical studies of John McDougall, MD, a plant-based diet often shows better results than treatment with our best medicines.


Q&A - 140 - Stomach Pain, Regaining Hair, ACL

Medical Industries (Profiteers) Fear Vegan Diet: 15 of 16 leading causes of human death are our MAD (meat and dairy) diet. Why are they suppressing this research? Healthy people are not profitable!

Dr. Michael Greger ~ Truth About Vegan Diet and Suppressed Medical Research:

Uprooting the Leading Causes of Death

Let us not forget that because of this shameless profiteering and ignorance; 90 plus percent of nonhuman animal enslavement, exploitation, and death caused by human animals!

Did you know that our protein needs can be easily met without eating animal products... World Health Organization of the UN says we need to get only 5% of our calories (same percentage as in human breast milk) from protein, which is easy to do. Nearly all plant foods contain more than 5% protein, while beans, peas, lentils, nuts, and seeds contain 15-25%, whole grains 8-17%, and soy products 35-50%. Excess protein consumption serves no purpose, and contributes to many health problems, including kidney disease, kidney stones, osteoporosis, and gout.

Did you know that a Harvard study of male health professionals showed that men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who didn't drink milk at all...

"If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero." - Walter Willett, MD, of Brigham and Women's Hospital, director of study that found close correlation between red meat consumption and colon cancer.

Did you know that neither meat nor dairy contains fiber, which is essential for regularity... So meat, with it's toxins and bacteria and chemical and pharmaceutical residues, may stay in our bodies for 4-5 days before being excreted, and may contribute to a number of health problems, including diverticulosos and colorectal cancer. It's very clear that we need to start eating more and more healthy, plant-based food choices.

Did you know that the World Health Organization of the UN says that we only need to get 5% of our calories (same percentage as in human breast milk) from proteins... Beans, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds are packed with more than enough protein to easily provide for the needs of vegetarians and vegans. As long as our diet includes sufficient calories and we're not living mainly on junk foods, our protein requirements are very unlikely to be a problem.

Did you know that clinical studies by Dean Ornish, MD, have repeatedly shown that most patients who followed standard medical advice for coronary artery blockages got worse, while those who adopted a total vegetarian diet coupled with lifestyle changes showed improvement, including reversal of blocked arteries...

Want Protein? Eat Your Veggies

John McDougall MD - Solving America's Health Crisis (VIDEO)

Low Carb vs. Plant-Based

Potatoes: The perfect food - John McDougall MD 

The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD 

Omnivore is a term that's commonly applied to humans, as if it's normal, natural, and necessary for us to eat both plants and animals. It is true that our bodies are capable of digesting and deriving nutrition from animal products as well as plants. The same is true of cows, who are commonly fed bloodmeal, fishmeal, and the ground up body parts of other factory farmed animals. But we don't call them omnivores. True omnivores, such as pigs and bears, don't get high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease from eating animal products. Renowned anthropologist Dr. Richard Leakey regards modern man, our ancient ancestors, and our closest living primate relatives - all - essentially as herbivores, not omnivores. Our required nutrients are all available from plant sources, and there are millions of people whose lives testify to the fact that we don't need to consume animal products in order to survive or to thrive.

The American Dietetic Association advises us that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy & lactation

“Vegetarians have the best diet. They have the lowest rates of coronary disease of any group in the country...they have a fraction of our heart attack rate, and they have only 40 percent of our cancer rate.” - William Castelli, MD - director of Framingham Heart Study, the longest-running clinical study in medical history. Dr. Castelli says that we can become virtually heart-attack-proof by getting our total cholesterol down (without medication) below 150.

President Bill Clinton's vegan diet (total plant-based) served him well on the campaign trail. He was a picture of health and vitality while brilliantly making the case for President Obama's re-election in city after city. Three years ago he was a very sick man, with cardiovascular disease that was beginning to close the arteries to his heart, just six years after he'd had quadrupal bypass surgery. A book by Cleveland Clinic physician Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn helped inspire the former president to get serious about dietary change. It's called "Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease". http://www.heartattackproof.com/

Did you know that cardiovascular disease, caused almost entirely by diet, is often accountable for a variety of health problems... "Many diseases are caused by compromising the flow of blood to various tissues. Close the arteries to the brain and you have a stroke; to the eye, macular degeneration; to the inner ear, hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing), and vertigo (dizziness); to the heart, myocardial infarction; to the kidneys, renal failure; to the leg, gangrene; and to the penis, impotence."
- Thanks to clinical nutritionist John McDougall, MD -

Did you know that the U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Nutrition and Health says that 68% of mortality in the U.S. is diet-related... "Your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take." - C. Everett Koop, MD, former U.S. Surgeon General –

Did you know that surgery to remove gallstones is the most frequent operation that Americans face... Gallstones consist mainly of cholesterol, and since foods from plant sources don't contain cholesterol, it shouldn't surprise us to learn that vegetarians are nine times less likely to develop gallstones than those who regularly consume animal products.
"Previous studies have linked red meat consumption and mortality, but the new results suggest a surprisingly strong link."
- Today's New York Times –

When we kill animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings, who are natural herbivores.”
~ William C. Roberts, M.D., Editor-in-Chief,
The American Journal of Cardiology

"Don't drink milk for health. I am convinced on the weight of the scientific evidence that it does not ‘do a body good.'"  - Dr. Robert Kradjian, Breast Surgery Chief at Seton Medical Center in Daly City, CA
NY Times columnist Mark Bittman suffered from chronic heartburn (nowadays called acid reflux) for years. He tried all kinds of remedies without success. Mark writes... "So, three months ago, I decided to give up dairy products as a test. Twenty-four hours later, my heartburn was gone. Never, it seems, to return."

It’s ironic that the burden of justifying possible nutritional deficiencies rests on vegans (“where do you get your protein/vitamin B-12/etc.?”), because research shows that vegans typically have twice the fruit and vegetable intake of people eating the standard American diet.
In recent studies, vegans had higher intakes of sixteen out of the nineteen nutrients studied, including three times more vitamin C, vitamin E, and fiber, twice the folate, magnesium, copper, and manganese, and more calcium and plenty of protein.
Vegans also had half the saturated fat intake, one-sixth the rate of being overweight, and, while vegans were shown to be at risk for deficiencies in three nutrients (calcium, iodine, and vitamin B-12), people eating the standard American diet were at risk for deficiencies in seven nutrients (calcium, iodine, vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate, and magnesium).

“It is no coincidence that the same diet that helps prevent or cure diabetes also causes effortless weight loss, lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, cleans out the arteries, and returns the body to excellent function.
But no matter how much research appears saying the same thing over and over again, the tide is unlikely to change because of the economic incentives for the medical establishment of continued illness and profitable treatments.”
~ John McDougall, MD

Did you know that the U.S. Department of Agriculture advises us that the major food borne microorganisms that make people sick and can even kill them – viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi – occur mainly in “meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products and eggs”... (Buzby & Roberts)

Did you know that the influence of genes on our risk of developing chronic illness is miniscule in comparison with that of diet and lifestyle... The U.S. Surgeon General said that 68% of Americans' deaths each year are diet related. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, lead scientist in the most comprehensive large study ever completed on diet and disease (The China Study) says that "Genes do not determine disease on their own. Genes function only by being activated or expressed, and nutrition plays a critical role in determining which genes, good and bad, are expressed."

 "A new study just out of Loma Linda University funded by the National Cancer Institute reported that vegans have lower rates of cancer than both meat-eaters and vegetarians. Vegan women, for example, had 34 percent lower rates of female-specific cancers such as breast, cervical, and ovarian cancer. And this was compared to a group of healthy omnivores who ate substantially less meat than the general population (two servings a week or more), as well as after controlling for non-dietary factors such as smoking, alcohol, and a family history of cancer."

Did you know that the China Health Study, the most comprehensive investigation ever completed on the relationship between diet and disease, revealed a clear link between the consumption of animal proteins, not fat or cholesterol particularly, to heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, and hormone related cancers… Plant based proteins appear to have no such effect. http://www.tcolincampbell.org/

 Did you know that children who regularly consume dairy products triple their lifetime risk of developing our most deadly cancer, colorectal... Those conclusions were drawn from a 65-year study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (Vol. 86, p.1722) The study also considered and controlled for other risk factors, such as meat intake, fruit and vegetable intake, and socioeconomic status. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=18065592 /

"I came from a dairy farm and started my career strongly believing in the nutritional value of this food, especially for its protein content. But, in our experiments, we documented multiple times a remarkable ability of the main protein of cow's milk, casein, to promote cancer growth and to do so by a plethora of mechanisms. For many years, animal-based protein, like casein, has been known to increase blood cholesterol and encourage early stages of heart disease." - T. Colin Campbell, PhD - Dr. Campbell led the most comprehensive large study on diet and disease ever completed, The Cornell/Oxford/China Health Study. Read about it in "The China Study" http://www.tcolincampbell.org/

The Truth About the Weston Price Foundation

for gathering much of the info presented here

AND more, on connecting all dots


The NATURAL foods for humankind TEST

HUMAN OMNIVORISM myth debunked

“HUMANE” MEAT myth debunked





Science and Health

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine

VEGAN nutrition


How to make a smooth, natural transition to a vegan lifestyle





Planetary healing from the ground up

Did you know that human protein needs are actually quite small... As infants we grew very quickly on a diet (human breast milk) that contains only 5% of its calories as protein. Most Americans today get 15-20% of their calories from proteins, and that contributes to many health problems, including gout, kidney stones and kidney disease, osteoporosis, and all sorts of other problems related to inflammation. In fact, Cornell nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, PhD, who led the most comprehensive large study (China Study) ever completed on diet and disease, is convinced that consumption of animal proteins, especially from cow milk, causes more cancers than does any chemical carcinogen.

Did you know that early exposure of children to cow milk products is linked to the development of type-I diabetes and other health problems... Type-I diabetes is a devastating disease that may occur when Insulin Growth Factor-1, from dairy, causes an infant's immune system to go into overdrive and destroy cells that release insulin. Dr. Frank Oski, former head of pediatrics at John Hopkins University, says “There’s no reason to drink cow’s milk at any time in your life. It was designed for calves, it was not designed for humans, and we should all stop drinking it today.” Dairy is unnecessary in the diet, and virtually every dairy farm today forces cows to grossly overproduce milk and be killed in the prime of life. We can easily get any nutrients in dairy from other sources without the cruelty and inherent risks.

Did you know that meat and dairy consumption was drastically reduced in Norway during the Nazi occupation… That dietary change resulted in the lowest rates of heart disease ever known in Europe. The end of the war brought a return to old dietary patterns and to high heart disease rates. http://www.heartattackproof.com/

President Clinton's decision to adopt a plant based diet was influenced by the amazing work of Cleveland Clinic physician Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, who placed 18 patients with severe coronary artery disease on a low fat, plant-based diet. Group members had previously experienced 49 cardiac events, and 5 patients had been given less than a year to live. 23 years later, all but one were still alive and free of heart disease symptoms. http://www.heartattackproof.com/

Did you know that meat and dairy consumption was drastically reduced in Norway during the Nazi occupation… That dietary change resulted in the lowest rates of heart disease ever known in Europe. The end of the war brought a return to old dietary patterns and to high heart disease rates. http://www.heartattackproof.com/

Just One Meal May Affect Our Health

What seems completely harmless to most people can actually cause much damage to one’s health. According to two Canadian studies, one by researchers at the Montreal Heart Institute’s EPIC Center and another by researchers at the Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, a single fatty meal seems to affect dilation and blood flow in arteries. Please visit Just one fatty meal can restrict blood flow to arteries

Although any reduction of animal products in one’s diet is a step in the right direction, eating animal products once in a while still harms God’s animals, the environment and our health. I think it’s easier to choose a path in which excuses are not made once in a while because there is simply no need for them.

Have a blessed day!
<><  <><  <><

Lorena Mucke
Christian Vegetarian Association

Listen as Dr. Barnard tells what research clearly shows about the decline of the brain - and most importantly, how you can dramatically reduce your chances of becoming an Alzheimer's statistic with a vegan diet. Neal Barnard MD -- Go Vegan to avoid Alzheimer's  Neal Barnard MD -- Go vegan to avoid Alzheimer's (VIDEO)

TRUTH About Cancer, Nutrition, and Human Herbivores - Plant-Based Health!

The 100 million diabetic dilemma: Neal Barnard at TEDxFremont

Did you know that the USDA advises that the major food borne microorganisms that sicken and kill people – viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi – occur mainly in "meat, poultry, seafood, dairy products, and eggs"... (Busby and Roberts)

Did you know that a plant-based diet has been shown to dramatically reduce both the pain and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis... According to the clinical studies of John McDougall, MD, a plant-based diet often shows better results than treatment with our best medicines

Humans are Herbivores: Dr. William Clifford Roberts,P1/2 

The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont 

Plant-strong & healthy living: Rip Esselstyn at TEDxFremont 

Humans are Herbivores: Dr. William Clifford Roberts, P2/2 

Animal Protein -- Meat and Dairy -- Cause Cancer 

The Starch Solution - John McDougall MD 

The Role of Meat in the Human Diet - John McDougall 

Marketing Milk and Disease: John A. McDougall, M.D. 

Michael Klaper MD - From Operating Table to Dining Room Table 

Did you know that the vast majority of Americans have cardiovascular disease, caused almost entirely by the way we eat... It leads to illness and death through heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, and is the driving force behind skyrocketing health care costs. Results of the China Health Study suggest that a diet including even small amounts of animal products contributes to cardiovascular disease.

Doctor’s Orders!

Neal Priest, emergency room physician at St. Mary’s Hospital in Athens, GA, explains that disease and diet are intimately related. He states that “Strokes, heart attacks, most cancers, obesity, inflammatory bowel diseases, many types of arthritis, Alzheimer’s, erectile dysfunction, peripheral vascular diseases, many viral and bacterial illnesses, and more are caused or worsened by a single class of substances: animal products.” Please visit Priest: Resolve to eat your veggies 

Kudos for all the physicians around the world that encourage their patients to transitions to a plant-based diet in order to get healthier! What’s even better, is that many of these physicians, like Neal Priest, have also made the connection between animal products, environmental devastation and the suffering of God’s animals.

Have a blessed day!

<><  <><  <><

Lorena Mucke
Christian Vegetarian Association

Meat Under Fire for Causing Cancer, Death

Diane Sawyer reports on a recent Harvard study linking moderate consumption of red meat to early mortality. The March, 2012, study revealed that eating a single serving of red meat per day may increase the risk of early death by 13 percent. And it showed that a daily serving of processed meat, including one hotdog or two strips of bacon, carried a considerably greater risk at 20 percent for early death. 

Did you know that researchers studying chronic juvenile delinquents found that they consumed twice as much milk as their control-group counterparts... - from Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry 8 (1979) –

North Americans are among the least healthy people on Earth. One in three Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and 50 percent of US children are overweight. This is largely due to chronically poor diet and lifestyle choices. Nutritionist Dr. Joseph Keon shows how we unwittingly sabotage our health every day by drinking milk. Author John Robbins says "Whitewash is the best book yet written on the subject."

Did you know that early sexual maturity in girls significantly increases their likelihood of developing breast cancer... Recent studies have shown the consumption of animal proteins to be strongly linked to such early development. Dairy products, which now contain higher levels of estrogen and other hormones than ever before (because they come from pregnant cows) are a likely factor in this trend toward premature development.

Top comment and personal health testimonial left on the video by Mike Davis: "Dr. McDougall has understated the value of his approach. My wife has had MS for over 25 years. In Dec 2012 she was on her death bed. She had gained over 60 pound...s of water and many complications. My son asked us to try the plant based whole food diet with high starch and very low oil. 10 months later my wife is very mobile, feels better than she has in over 10 years, and looks forward to a long life and a complete recovery. She has lost over 160 lbs and I have lost over 60 lbs in 10 months."
The food we were born to eat: John McDougall at TEDxFremont

21 Wellness-Boosting Recipes (for flu season) (all vegan!) -> http://www.babble.com/best-recipes/immunity-boost-21-wellness-infused-recipes-for-flu-season/

Did you know that long term adherence to a diet including meat just once a week or more is linked to a 74% increase in the chance of developing diabetes... N.I.H. supported clinical studies of Neal Barnard, MD, have repeatedly shown that that it is possible to repair insulin function and reverse type 2 diabetes through adherence to a whole food, plant-based diet.
Neal Barnard program for Reversing Diabetes

Dr. Fuhrman Part 1

Did you know that neither meat nor dairy contains fiber, which is essential for regularity... So meat, with all its toxins and bacteria and chemical and pharmaceutical residues, may stay in our bodies for 4-5 days before being excreted, and may contribute to a number of health problems, including diverticulosos and colorectal cancer. It's very clear that we need to start eating more and more healthy, plant-based food choices.

"The typical slice of cheese is 70% fat - that's one step away from vaseline. It's one of the unhealthiest foods you can eat. But marketers learned a long time ago that people gravitate toward cheese, so they add it to everything."
- Neal Barnard, MD, founder and president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine –

Did you know that the Harvard Nurses Health Study, which ran for 18 years, showed that those who drank 2-3 glasses of cow milk a day suffered more hip fractures than those who consumed little or no milk... World medical literature has consistently shown that osteoporosis rates are highest in the countries with the highest dairy consumption: Scandinavian countries, Holland, Great Britain, U.S.A., and Canada.

Did you know that the vast majority of Americans have cardiovascular disease, caused almost entirely by the way we eat... It leads to illness and death through heart attack, stroke, and diabetes, and is the driving force behind skyrocketing health care costs. Results of the China Health Study suggest that a diet including even small amounts of animal products contributes to cardiovascular disease. http://www.tcolincampbell.org/plant-based-nutrition/category/cardiovascular/

Did you know that medical doctors typically receive little or no training in nutrition... Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, MD, advises us that 68% of mortality in the U.S. is diet related, and that "Your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take." For info and advice on smart food choices and menu planning, it's often better to consult a registered dietitian or other nutrition professional, especially one whose own diet is plant-based.

Did you know that clinical studies by Dean Ornish, MD, have shown that most patients who followed standard medical advice for coronary artery blockages got worse, while those who adopted a total vegetarian diet coupled with lifestyle changes showed improvement, including reversal of blocked arteries...

Did you know that a study involving 12,000 Seventh Day Adventist men showed that those who regularly drank soy milk instead of cow milk had a 70% reduction in prostate cancer risk...

Interesting study on weight (body mass index) showed that most omnivores in the U.S. were very overweight, most vegetarians and near vegetarians were also overweight. But the vegans (even though they exercised less than most) were the one group in the healthy weight category.

"Less than 70 years ago, more than 40 percent of the protein in the American diet came from grains, bread, and cereal. Currently, only 17 percent comes from these sources, along with another 15 percent from legumes, fruits, and vegetables, while two-thirds is from animal products. This trend, also noted in other industrialized Western countries, has been accompanied by a steady increase in heart-disease and cancer deaths."
- Charles Attwood, MD –

Did you know that a Harvard study of male health professionals showed that men who drank two or more glasses of milk a day were almost twice as likely to develop advanced prostate cancer as those who didn't drink milk at all...

Did you know that Penn State Young Women's Health Study tracked eighty 12-year-old females for 10 years, and found that calcium intake had almost no effect on bone health, but exercise had a major effect... Similarly, the Harvard Nurses Health Study, which ran for 18 years, showed that those who consumed little or no cow milk had stronger bones than those who drank 2-3 glasses of milk per day.

“Carnivores get Alzheimer’s pathology while herbivores don’t get Alzheimer’s pathology, so naturally I’m a vegetarian.”
- Dr. Rudolf E Tanzi - Professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School, Director of Genetics and Aging Research Unit -

Studies by Cornell nutritional biochemist T. Colin Campbell, PhD, and others, have shown that the main protein in cow milk, casein, is cancer-promoting. We have also learned that casein consumption tends to raise cholesterol levels. Thus a protein, not just the fat in dairy products, is bad for our hearts as well. Dr. Campbell was lead scientist in the most comprehensive large research project ever completed on the relationship between diet and disease, known as the China Study. http://www.tcolincampbell.org/

Excellent article by Kathy Freston on Cooked Meat and Cancer -

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