duminică, 26 februarie 2023

Human omnivorism debunked


If the so called <Food Pyramid> with HUMANS being at the <top> of the <food chain> was natural by cosmic and planetary standard, then, we would've had a pseudo <superior> galactic specie, LIVING OFF humans...

and we'd be hunted as food...

also, ALL BEings would've been biologically designed with FANGS AND CLAWS, running on foot, their everyday food, catching and ripping it off and eat it RAW...

No cooking, marinades or condiments... 

Also, NO herbivorous and frugivore species would've existed...

The so called rule of the jungle would've been all pervasive with no exception to the rule...

 “Anthropologist, Dr. Alan Walker of John Hopkins University in Maryland has concluded that early humans were fruit eaters— not just fruit eaters but exclusively and only fruit eaters — eaters of nothing but fruit. By careful examination of fossil teeth and fossilized remains of humans with the aid of electron microscopes and other sophisticated tools, Dr. Walker and other researchers are absolutely certain that our ancestors, up to a point in relatively recent history were fruitarians.

Dr. Walker also traced humans through history as expanding to herbiage and nuts, and finally meat. Although humans undertook omnivorous eating practices, our anatomy and physiology have not changed — we remain biologically a species of fruit eaters. A cursory study of biology reveals this even if written by meat-eating professors, which most of our Biologists are.

The human designation as a frugivore was removed from encyclopedias in 1952.”


Carnism debunked 



Excerpts from a social media conversation



By I.R.

So, I guess the animals that are killed by farm equipment when crops are being harvested magically don't count as dead?




IR yes we know. This isn’t some new information.

Gee I wonder how many are killed growing crops for 60 billion animals a year?

And gee I wonder what the two biggest crops are and who consumes the majority of those crops? Answer: soy and corn.

Answer: animals raised to be killed.

We could possibly find a better way couldn’t we? Those billions of dollars given to keep the industries alive could they not be used? We know every last detail of how farming and fHARMing works. Good grief. This is not something we can currently control nor is it someone thing we condone.

Not being able to be perfect in this world is not comparable to being a willfully participant. What about household products you have in your house right now tested on animals?

What about animals’ skin and fur and feathers and wool? What about the wildlife that are dying off due to the biggest cause of deforestation and habitat loss?

What about the trillions of sea creatures that die because of by catch and the fact that the majority of the plastic in the oceans are left over fishing nets?

If you want to do the least harm possible you do not willfully participate in these things. You don’t pay people to grind chicks alive the day they are born and slam piglets against the concrete.

You want to pick something we have no control over in this current world, something we avoid to the very best of our ability to your willful participation in horrific violence against animals when you have a myriad of other choices. There is no comparison.

And if you care about any of those animals you mentioned you’d stop eating animals and save those that does growing crops to feed the 60 billion land animals a year.

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Human OMNIvorism Debunked





“Anthropologist, Dr. Alan Walker of John Hopkins University in Maryland has concluded that early humans were fruit eaters— not just fruit eaters but exclusively and only fruit eaters — eaters of nothing but fruit. By careful examination of fossil teeth and fossilized remains of humans with the aid of electron microscopes and other sophisticated tools, Dr. Walker and other researchers are absolutely certain that our ancestors, up to a point in relatively recent history were fruitarians.

Dr. Walker also traced humans through history as expanding to herbiage and nuts, and finally meat. Although humans undertook omnivorous eating practices, our anatomy and physiology have not changed — we remain biologically a species of fruit eaters. A cursory study of biology reveals this even if written by meat-eating professors, which most of our Biologists are.

The human designation as a frugivore was removed from encyclopedias in 1952.”




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