Most story is here
but goes way back, over 100 yrs ago...
it looks like a FALSE FLAG, a STAGED attack with all the fake data and role players, just like many other false flags for war purposes..
just like in all other, THIS false flag is about financial and spiritual dominance and control
Germany is boycotting travel to romania due to euthanasia (article posted in Romanian media)
there is no deed that goes unaccounted for, KARMICALLY speaking
Here you can find the contact for Romanian embassy from different country. Please call them and send emails and say your position regarding killing stay dogs in Romania
Austria +4315053227 email:
England +442079379666 email:
Sweden +468108603 email:
Germany +493021239202 email:
SUA +(001)2023324846 email:
Italy +39068084528 email:
Switzerland +41313523522 email:
Finland +(003589) 2414414 email:
France +33147051046 email:
Holland +31703543796 email:
Spain +34609069983 email:
Canada (001)(613)7893709 email:
Let's show to Romania that all world is against cruelty!!!!
England +442079379666 email:
Sweden +468108603 email:
Germany +493021239202 email: office@rumaenische-botschaft.d
SUA +(001)2023324846 email:
Italy +39068084528 email:
Switzerland +41313523522 email:
Finland +(003589) 2414414 email:
France +33147051046 email:
Holland +31703543796 email:
Spain +34609069983 email: secretariat@embajadaderumanias
Canada (001)(613)7893709 email:
Let's show to Romania that all world is against cruelty!!!!
ashamed and deeply disturbed for my own birth country's decision and actions...
is true that every second, all around the world, countless sentient beings are killed and treated worse than we r able to imagine, for food, fashion and "en...tertainment"...
is also true that many of the dogs lovers and protectors also consume other animals...
the ongoing insanity on our planet will continue, for every living being until each heart and mind is awaken...
I've spent lots of time sharing the beauty and treasures of Romania, with the world..the inventions which benefited the world, the esoteric places, the wonderful warm, caring people however, some very dark forces have gotten a hold of much of this country and they will have to be well removed before I, personally will set foot back in my birth country...
no amount of tourism or attraction will ever be enough for me to return there to visit, until the Romanian soul and soil will be completely cleaned of such darkness...
in prayer, meditation I join countless other Romanian Lighworkers both within the country and abroad, I'm sure, in assisting all souls in the soon to be exterminated stray dogs who have done far more good energy work for this country than bad things, to exit as peacefully as possible from their worn out bodies and to be ushered in the REAL realm of FREE, OVER THE RAINBOW BRIDGE, in wide open meadows, joining countless other magnificent beings and be FREE, AT LAST!!
FREE from the tormented lives they have chose bravely to experience in order to ATTEMPT to AWAKEN some COMPASSION in otherwise dumbed down minds, numbed down hearts and dulled down consciousness which still prevails abundantly everywhere, all around...
I now feel a strange sense of relief simply because the painful way in which most likely most of them will be "put to sleep" will pale millionthfold by comparison to the amount of FREEDOM they will soon be experiencing once again...
Those who seeked their killing didn't deserve them...
the heart/soulLESS beings who are capable of any crime
little do they know that each and every thought, word and action has a causality effect counterpart and their earthly deeds will be tenthfold accounted for in places that REALLY matter...once all is said and done here, in this world...
among the few tens of books on near death experience, life between lives that I've read over time, in one chapter, one guy was describing how during his near death experience he felt TENTHfold EVERY pain, both physical and emotional of EVERY bug he ever killed...
is how things work in an infinite UNIverse, just to keep things in check and balance...
as for Romania's darkest hour, this tragedy will not go in vain but many souls will be awakened and the apathy, indifference and ignorance will give birth to and transmute into hopefully a REbirth for this aching country
the ill-uminati that put a hold on Romania, especialy for her esoteric treasures, using violence, politics, economics to bring this country down to her knees will be removed and replaced with true brilliant, compassionate leaders and planetary wasyshowers
closing and wondering and pondering at WHAT the CREATOR of ALL LIFE in the UNIverse is suppose to do to THOSE WHO HURT OTHERS? Those of us who are still participating directly or indirectly, through consumerism, to both spiritual and planetary holocausts, through our daily food, fashion, entertainment choices, when there are so so many cruelty free optional choices now?
what the CREATOR of ALL, should or would do? EUTHANIZE us out of our pain and self created misery?
those who take matters in their hands, of killing other beings need to ponder and contemplate deep, on such ideas...
is true that every second, all around the world, countless sentient beings are killed and treated worse than we r able to imagine, for food, fashion and "en...tertainment"...
is also true that many of the dogs lovers and protectors also consume other animals...
the ongoing insanity on our planet will continue, for every living being until each heart and mind is awaken...
I've spent lots of time sharing the beauty and treasures of Romania, with the world..the inventions which benefited the world, the esoteric places, the wonderful warm, caring people however, some very dark forces have gotten a hold of much of this country and they will have to be well removed before I, personally will set foot back in my birth country...
no amount of tourism or attraction will ever be enough for me to return there to visit, until the Romanian soul and soil will be completely cleaned of such darkness...
in prayer, meditation I join countless other Romanian Lighworkers both within the country and abroad, I'm sure, in assisting all souls in the soon to be exterminated stray dogs who have done far more good energy work for this country than bad things, to exit as peacefully as possible from their worn out bodies and to be ushered in the REAL realm of FREE, OVER THE RAINBOW BRIDGE, in wide open meadows, joining countless other magnificent beings and be FREE, AT LAST!!
FREE from the tormented lives they have chose bravely to experience in order to ATTEMPT to AWAKEN some COMPASSION in otherwise dumbed down minds, numbed down hearts and dulled down consciousness which still prevails abundantly everywhere, all around...
I now feel a strange sense of relief simply because the painful way in which most likely most of them will be "put to sleep" will pale millionthfold by comparison to the amount of FREEDOM they will soon be experiencing once again...
Those who seeked their killing didn't deserve them...
the heart/soulLESS beings who are capable of any crime
little do they know that each and every thought, word and action has a causality effect counterpart and their earthly deeds will be tenthfold accounted for in places that REALLY matter...once all is said and done here, in this world...
among the few tens of books on near death experience, life between lives that I've read over time, in one chapter, one guy was describing how during his near death experience he felt TENTHfold EVERY pain, both physical and emotional of EVERY bug he ever killed...
is how things work in an infinite UNIverse, just to keep things in check and balance...
as for Romania's darkest hour, this tragedy will not go in vain but many souls will be awakened and the apathy, indifference and ignorance will give birth to and transmute into hopefully a REbirth for this aching country
the ill-uminati that put a hold on Romania, especialy for her esoteric treasures, using violence, politics, economics to bring this country down to her knees will be removed and replaced with true brilliant, compassionate leaders and planetary wasyshowers
closing and wondering and pondering at WHAT the CREATOR of ALL LIFE in the UNIverse is suppose to do to THOSE WHO HURT OTHERS? Those of us who are still participating directly or indirectly, through consumerism, to both spiritual and planetary holocausts, through our daily food, fashion, entertainment choices, when there are so so many cruelty free optional choices now?
what the CREATOR of ALL, should or would do? EUTHANIZE us out of our pain and self created misery?
those who take matters in their hands, of killing other beings need to ponder and contemplate deep, on such ideas...
ashamed and deeply disturbed for my own birth country's decision and actions...
is true that every second, all around the world, countless sentient beings are killed and treated worse than we r able to imagine, for food, fashion and "entertainment"...
is also true that many of the dogs lovers and protectors also consume other animals...
the ongoing insanity on our planet will continue, for every living being until each heart and mind is awaken...
I've spent lots of time sharing the beauty and treasures of Romania, with the world..the inventions which benefited the world, the esoteric places, the wonderful warm, caring people however, some very dark forces have gotten a hold of much of this country and they will have to be well removed before I, personally will set foot back in my birth country...
no amount of tourism or attraction will ever be enough for me to return there to visit, until the Romanian soul and soil will be completely cleaned of such darkness...
in prayer, meditation I join countless other Romanian Lighworkers both within the country and abroad, I'm sure, in assisting all souls in the soon to be exterminated stray dogs who have done far more good energy work for this country than bad things, to exit as peacefully as possible from their worn out bodies and to be ushered in the REAL realm of FREE, OVER THE RAINBOW BRIDGE, in wide open meadows, joining countless other magnificent beings and be FREE, AT LAST!!
FREE from the tormented lives they have bravely chosen to experience in order to ATTEMPT to AWAKEN some COMPASSION in otherwise dumbed down minds, numbed down hearts and dulled down consciousness which still prevails abundantly everywhere, all around...
I now feel a strange sense of relief simply because the painful way in which most likely most of them will be "put to sleep" will pale millionthfold by comparison to the amount of FREEDOM they will soon be experiencing once again...
Those who seeked their killing didn't deserve them...
the heart/soulLESS beings who are capable of such and any crime
little do they know that each and every thought, word and action has a causality effect counterpart and their earthly deeds will be tenthfold accounted for in places that REALLY matter...once all is said and done here, in this world...
among the few tens of books on near death experience, life between lives that I've read over time, in one chapter, one guy was describing how during his near death experience he felt TENTHfold EVERY pain, both physical and emotional of EVERY bug he ever killed...
is how things work in an infinite UNIverse, just to keep things in check and balance...
as for Romania's darkest hour, this tragedy will not go in vain but many souls will be awakened and the apathy, indifference and ignorance will give birth to and transmute into hopefully a REbirth for this aching country
the ill-uminati that put a hold on Romania, especialy for her esoteric treasures, using violence, politics, economics to bring this country down to her knees will be removed and replaced with true brilliant, compassionate leaders and planetary wasyshowers
closing and wondering and pondering at WHAT the CREATOR of ALL LIFE in the UNIverse is suppose to do to THOSE WHO HURT OTHERS? Those of us who are still participating directly or indirectly, through consumerism, to both spiritual and planetary holocausts, through our daily food, fashion, entertainment choices, when there are so so many cruelty free optional choices now?
what the CREATOR of ALL, should or would do? EUTHANIZE us out of our pain and self created misery? EXTINGUISH our soul spark atom?
those who take matters in their hands, of killing other beings need to ponder and contemplate deep, on such ideas...
Ask the Romanian Government and Parliament to stop killing stray dogs. ..... have given so far to your country; we will boycott Romanian products and tourism, ..... up with the same plans again: to euthanize all dogs after 7 days if not adopted.
THE WORLD SAYS NO to the 2012 EURO DOG SHOW to be held in ROMANIA!
what happens in our world is enough to drive any awakening soul insane...keeping sane is the greatest challenge once one learns about what truly takes place behind our food, fashion and "entertainment" seems that angels and demons reside and occupy the same space here in 3D...IF ONE ADAPTS TO THIS WORLD AND ADOPTS AS "NORMAL", IS TIME TO QUESTION YOURSELF REAL DEEP... as our troubles just begun
Why the VEGANISM urgency and pressure
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