When I decided to go vegan for compassionate reasons, little did I know about these shocking aspects about our food choices and planetary holocaust.
This is ALL media and all people of this planet should talk about and make the change.
Astonishing facts
Did you know that:
According to the Nature Conservancy, every second of every day one football field of rainforest is being destroyed. Much of this forestland is being cut down to farm and raise livestock, which is then exported to the U.S. and ends up in fast-food hamburgers. According to the Rainforest Action Network, 55 square feet of tropical rainforest are destroyed to make every fast-food hamburger made from rainforest cattle. This is an area about the size of a small kitchen and it is gone forever each time one of these hamburgers is eaten. It is even worse because with each square foot of rainforest gone, up to 30 different plant species, 100 different insect species and dozens of bird, mammal and reptile species are destroyed. The rainforests are so important because half of the species on earth live in them and the forests are vital to the world’s oxygen supply.
Livestock in the U.S. produce 2.7 trillion pounds of manure each year. That’s about ten times more waste than was produced by all the American people. What happens to all this waste? Some farmers spray the manure on nearby fields for fertilizer, however this can be expensive, does not provide the best nutrient balance for growing plants and can spread diseases carried in the waste to humans. Some farmers use manure lagoons as a “safe” way to store millions of gallons of animal waste. These lagoons, it turns out, are not so safe. In 1995, 25 million gallons of manure and urine spilled from a hog farm lagoon into the New River in North Carolina. More than 10 million fish were immediately killed and 364,000 acres of coastal wetlands were closed to shell fishing. In the Gulf of Mexico there is a 7,000 square mile “dead zone” where there is no aquatic life due to pollution from animal waste and chemical fertilizers. The pollution from factory farms and feedlots is happening throughout the U.S., and is beginning to happen throughout the world. If we decrease our consumption of animal products we can also decrease the threat of water pollution.
According to the Water Education Foundation, it takes 2,464 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef in California. This is the same amount of water you would use if you took a seven-minute shower every day for six entire months. In contrast, only 25 gallons of water are needed to produce one pound of wheat. Present human water consumption drains aquifers around the world. Water tables are dropping drastically and wells are going dry. The United States Geological Survey says that 40 percent of fresh water used in the U.S. in 2000 went to irrigate feed crops for livestock. Only 13 percent was used for domestic purposes including showers, flushing toilets, washing cars and watering lawns. Switching to a plant-based diet is by far the most important choice you can make to save water.
Did you know that livestock production is very inefficient... 80% of world’s farm lands are now being used to produce meat, dairy products, and eggs - foods that supply only 30% of our calorie needs. Meat and dairy production involve the use of massive amounts of water, grains, fossil fuels and other resources to convert plant foods, which are naturally low in fat, high in fiber, and contain no cholesterol at all, into substances that are high in fat, high in cholesterol, and contain no fiber at all. Animal products also require far greater energy use for refrigeration than foods from plant sources.
“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems. Urgent action is needed to remedy the situation.” That's from the 2006 UN report "Livestock's Long Shadow", which states that livestock produce more climate changing greenhouse gases than all forms of transportation combined. The human appetite for animal flesh is also a driving force behind air and water pollution, soil erosion, fresh water scarcity, and deforestation, including the clearing of tropical rain forests to grow feed for livestock animals. Our personal food choices wield tremendous power... the power to say "NO" to the industries that are driving the destruction of our planet, and
say "YES" to Life.
say "YES" to Life.
Did you know that the meat and dairy industries use massive amounts of water, grains, fossil fuels and other resources to convert plant foods, which are naturally low in fat, high in fiber, and contain no cholesterol at all, into substances (meat and milk) that are high in fat, high in cholesterol, and contain no fiber at all...
Livestock's Long Shadow
A vegan diet uses about 300 gallons of water per day and a meat eater uses more than 4,000 gallons per day. That means a vegan could shower night and day continuously for a year straight and still not even begin to come close to the water use of a meat eater.
Meat is actually a big cause of global hunger. Learn more here…
Here is a summary of how the production of meat, eggs, and dairy products takes a staggering toll on the ecosystem:
Jonathan Foley: The Other Inconvenient Truth
The amount of water, energy, land, etc. it takes to produce 1 pound of meat is Abhorrent (those resources alone could eradicate world hunger). Meat eating is the single most destructive activity an individual can engage in with regards to its impact on our planet for future generations. Rain forests are slashed and burned to make room for the grazing of cattle along with the resources it takes up (i.e. energy). Agribusiness is a crime:
Did you now that animal agriculture is a terribly inefficient and destructive way to produce food... When we use grains, corn, and beans to feed animals for human consumption, we wind up with products that give us only a small fraction of the calories in those feed grains that we started with. Animal agriculture now utilizes 80% of US farmlands to produce the meat, dairy, and eggs that provide only 30% of our food. Our taste for meat and other animal products diverts and wastes valuable resources that could be used to alleviate hunger.
Did you know that meat production is the the top cause of global deforestation, including the burning of our rain forests in order to grow feed for livestock..
Did you know that the chicken industry on the Delmarva peninsula produces a million tons of manure every year... It's a primary source of dangerous bacteria and nutrients that steal oxygen from waterways, and is the main reason why so little progress has been made in restoring the Chesapeake Bay. We get to decide whether or not to support the health and recovery of our wonderful bay - primarily by what we choose to put on our dinner plates.
- Thanks to Mark Rifkin –
- Thanks to Mark Rifkin –
Did you know that "just moving away from meat for one day a week is more effective [in terms of energy efficiency and environmental health] than buying everything you eat locally." - Harvard Business Review –
"We will find we can no longer subsidize or ignore the costs of mass-producing cattle, poultry, pigs, sheep, and fish to feed our growing population. These costs include hugely inefficient use of fresh water and land, heavy pollution from livestock feces, rising rates of heart disease and other degenerative illnesses and spreading destruction of our forests on which much of the planet's life depends." - Time Magazine - 11/8/99
Did you know that meat production is the top cause of global deforestation, including the burning of our rain forests in order to grow feed for "livestock" animals...
Did you know that the chicken industry on the Delmarva peninsula produces a million tons of manure every year... It's a primary source of dangerous bacteria and nutrients that steal oxygen from waterways, and is the main reason why so little progress has been made in restoring the Chesapeake Bay. We get to decide whether or not to support the health and recovery of our wonderful bay, primarily by what we choose to put on our dinner plates. - Thanks to Mark Rifkin -
the "self sustainable, hunting for food" method cannot be global sustainable...if tomorrow it would become illegal to artificially breed farm animals (forcefully kidnapped from their natural living spaces as Creator intended and "domesticated" by humankind) and all 7 BILLION and growing populace would grab guns and become hunters, humanity would in no time wipe off all animal kingdoms and every other living breathing lifeform in between, in order to quench its old food addictions...thus we'd destroy our host planet's ecosystems in no time...so, we like it or not, veganism and geodome greenhouses to grow real food, year round with NO ELECTRICITY is becoming the way...until our food replicators will arrive...
Did you know that the meat and dairy industries use massive amounts of water, grains, fossil fuels and other resources to convert plant foods, which are naturally low in fat, high in fiber, and contain no cholesterol at all, into substances (meat and milk) that are high in fat, high in cholesterol, and contain no fiber at all...
We can now grow YEAR ROUND fresh, organic real food with NO ELECTRICITY
Growing Winter Organic Produce
ORGANIC SOIL nutrients and products
Food and Water Shortages or Short-Sighted? - 5000 Gallons of Water = ONE Pound
CAFO’s Cause Devastation
Read about the journey of 6 people who decide to take a trip through an area in Kentucky were many factory farms are concentrated. The travelers learn about the incredible pollution and environmental devastation these confined animals feeding operations cause as well as the unimaginable suffering of the animals imprisoned in them. Please visit The Tour de Stench
How has humanity reached a point where God’s animals are simple commodities to be exploited to our benefit; and where planet Earth, our home, is being destroyed systematically by our desire for taste, profit and power? There’s still hope if we open our hearts and choose to include all sentient beings in our sphere of compassion and also recognize that as stewards of God’s Creation we have a sacred responsibility to take care of the planet.
Have a blessed day!
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Lorena Mucke
Christian Vegetarian Association
Eating Meat is Unsustainable - YouTube
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